Whipped soap is also called floating soap. it does not sink in water and it is very convenient for them to wash the baby. It is also compared to a soufflé because of its external resemblance.

This soap has a number of advantages: it is very light, beautiful, has a porous structure and an interesting texture, similar to marshmallows, is pleasant to the touch. In addition, due to the increase in the volume of the mass during whipping from 100 g of the base, you will get not one, but two or three bars of soap. The only drawback of this product is that it rinses off quickly.
The preparation of such a soap is standard for soap from a base, with only one difference - at the very end, before spreading the mass into shapes, the soap is whipped for a long time with a mixer. Whipped soap can be combined with regular soap for a beautiful effect.
Melt the base in a water bath or microwave. The main thing is not to bring the mass to a boil. You should have a "liquid jelly".
Add oils and color, and after the base has cooled to a warm state, drip the fragrance.
The base may harden during whipping. Then melt it again and keep working. Continue this way until you achieve the desired result. The main thing is to achieve a thick and non-settling foam.
Prepare molds for future soap by greasing them with corn oil or petroleum jelly. Silicone molds do not need to be lubricated at all. From them, soap is easily obtained without preliminary preparation. Especially if, before taking out the soap, put the mold in the freezer for 10-20 minutes.
Pour the soap into the molds. You can divide the mass into parts, beat one part, not the other, and combine it - it will be much more original and interesting. The whipped base soap will set very quickly - in 20-30 minutes. And you can take it with you to your bath and enjoy its light and delicate texture.
Have a nice bath day!