The fat woman (money tree) is very popular with home plant lovers. But not every flower lover knows that this succulent plant can bloom. What does a fat woman need for this, what kind of care is required for an unpretentious plant at first glance?

The fat woman comes from hot countries, and therefore the optimal temperature for her growth is 20 - 25 degrees Celsius. But I must say that lower temperatures will not destroy this plant, in the autumn-winter period it can be 10-15 degrees indoors, this will not affect the appearance of Crassula. The period of the heating season will also not embarrass the fat woman, she is quite unpretentious to air humidity.
It is not for nothing that the fat woman is called a plant for the lazy. She tolerates infrequent watering much better than too frequent watering. She will endure even the absence of moisture for 2 - 3 weeks, so going on vacation for this time, you can not worry about the flower. Watering abundantly will return the succulent to its previous appearance very quickly.
In the hot season, watering Crassula is necessary only when the ground is slightly damp, and in winter, completely dry soil should be watered.
The money tree can be propagated by seed, but this method is not popular, as there are simpler options. You can propagate the plant by cuttings. To do this, a leaf or shoot is cut off with a sharp knife and left for a couple of days to dry, and then planted in the ground. In some types of jerky, at high humidity, aerial roots appear, they will take root very quickly and take root when multiplying in this way.
Crassula loves good lighting, and therefore it is advisable to place it in an apartment on the south or southeast windows. In summer, the plant can be safely taken out onto the balcony. If the fat woman is placed in the shade, then from the lack of light, its stems will become thinner and elongated, and the leaves may fall off.
The soil
The fat woman is unpretentious to the ground. You can buy a ready-made mixture for succulents in the store, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing turf soil with sand. It's a good idea to add pieces of coal to the soil. Fat women grow well in small bowls and containers. To avoid fungal diseases, there must be a drainage layer in the pot.
The fat woman does not need fertilizers, but if the soil is completely poor, then you can fertilize the plant with any feeding for succulents, preferably in summer or spring.