How To Grow Olives

How To Grow Olives
How To Grow Olives

Table of contents:


The olive tree is an evergreen plant that grows in the open field to a height of 4 to 10 meters. Under indoor conditions, of course, it will never become so high, but it is quite possible to get aromatic olives.

How to grow olives
How to grow olives

It is necessary

  • - olive stalk;
  • - sand;
  • - light soil mixture;
  • - a pot.


Step 1

The plant is propagated by cuttings taken from an annual growth or by root suckers. Planting material is harvested at the beginning of summer. Cut the cuttings with a clean knife, treat them with Kornevin or Epin (according to the instructions on the pack) and plant them in the wet sand.

Step 2

You can also plant olive seeds (the seeds are sold in specialized stores), but they have a low germination capacity (only one or two of five seeds will sprout), so it is better to plant more. Seeds germinate for a long time, expect the first shoots in 2-3 months.

Step 3

After planting the olive, it is necessary to create good conditions for development: high humidity and good lighting. The air temperature in the room must be at least 20 degrees.

Step 4

Transplant the seedlings into a pot in a permanent place as soon as they get stronger. Prepare a substrate for them from clean river sand, garden and turf soil in a 2: 1: 1 ratio. It is good to add peat and a little lime-fluff to the soil mixture, about a matchbox for 1 kg of soil.

Step 5

A ceramic pot should be chosen for planting a plant. Pour expanded clay drainage at the bottom, since the olive tree does not like stagnant water.

Step 6

Place the tree pot on the sill of a south or southwest facing window. In the summer, water regularly and abundantly, feed with mineral and organic fertilizers two to three times a month.

Step 7

If you want your olive to bloom, transfer the plant in winter to a cool place with a temperature of no more than +10 degrees, but +5 is the best option. In such conditions, the flower buds will harden, and in the spring the tree will bloom.

Step 8

An olive grown from seed will bloom in the tenth year after planting, and from a cuttings or root suckers in the fifth.

Step 9

To get fruit, you should pollinate the flowers with a soft brush. The olives will ripen in 90-100 days.
