The fulfillment of desires is a very pleasant business, and it is even more pleasant to realize that we can somehow influence this process. In general, what is desire? This is the thought-form of a person who desires, and the thought-form is energy. In fact, when we desire something, we create an energy funnel into which the desired should be drawn, it is like a magnet for the energies of the Universe. Therefore, we will not make an ordinary map of desires, but an energy one.

It is necessary
- - a large sheet of drawing paper or cardboard
- - colored pencils, markers
- - your happy photos
- - pictures depicting your goals achieved and desired
Step 1
It often happens that desires are not fulfilled accurately. It seems that what was thought has come true, but the result is not encouraging, because it did not come true a little the way we wanted. The fact is that the Universe is like a cornucopia, it is ready to give what you want, but if the desire is expressed inaccurately, the Universe will "think out" the details of its implementation itself. And it's not a fact that you will like these details. Therefore, the first rule when drawing up a map of desires is to describe the desire as accurately as possible.
Step 2
When the map of desires begins to work, in some cases you can feel the resistance of the Universe. For example, you want to change a car, you look closely at the brands, specify as much as possible what you want to buy. For some time after visualizing your desire on the desire map, nothing may happen. Then the action takes place. You receive the money you need to buy, or the circumstances are such that you need to deal with the purchase closely. You start to go to salons, choose, but the purchase does not add up for various reasons. In this case, you should not persistently continue looking for buying opportunities. Perhaps the Universe specifically resists your desire to buy this particular car, and after a while a better option awaits you. One that you could not even think of. Therefore, the second rule for working with a wish card - if a hidden theme in your life has become more active, but you feel the resistance of the Universe - let go of the situation, do not be nervous and do not resist, and the Universe will present something absolutely enchanting.
Step 3
The third rule is simple - be grateful to the universe. To receive something, you have to give something. This is an energy exchange, you cannot pull energy flows in only one direction (me, me, me), you need to keep the opposite direction. The fact is that everything in the Universe strives for balance, any energy imbalance leads to failure. Therefore, before asking the Universe for something, give her your sincere gratitude for her past gifts. This gratitude should be displayed on the wish card.

Step 4
Now let's start creating the map.
Select the sectors on the sheet:
Step 5
In the center of the map is you and your personality. Here we glue our happy photo. It is better to choose a photo, looking at which you can recall the sweet feelings associated with this photo. After all, the most important thing is our unspecified desire - to be happy. This will energize the card with positive happiness energy.
Step 6
Divide the sheet mentally into 2 halves: in the left half of the map you will express your gratitude to the Universe, and in the right half you will visualize your desires. At the top of the map, you will visualize non-material things: marriage, love, friendship, etc. At the bottom of the map, you will visualize material acquisitions: an apartment, a car, jewelry, etc.
Step 7
We do this: on top in the left half, we glue your photo in a happy past relationship. At the same time, we sincerely thank the Universe for letting you experience love in the past. On the contrary - in the upper part of the right half we glue a photo of a wedding theme (rings, dress, etc.) - this is how we express our desire to get married. In the example with the purchase of a car at the bottom in the left half, we glue a photo of your current or past car, also with gratitude, opposite at the bottom in the right half - a photo of the desired car.
Step 8
And so - with all desires. When the map is ready, you will clearly see the matrix of your life - how everything was and how everything will be. At the same time, do not forget to thank yourself - after all, there is your merit in achieving past goals. From year to year you change, develop, that is why your new desires and needs appear.
Step 9
You can choose any color for the labels in the sectors. It is not necessary that you write a desire for love in red. This is your personal card, charged with your energy, so for love you need to choose the color that you associate with it. It can be green or purple or whatever. Ordinary wish cards, simply divided into sectors, represent at the energy level not a funnel, but a black hole, because they are made with the message “give me, give”. With such an imbalance, the energy of your desires will simply remain with you and the Universe will not hear it or will realize your desire, but in exchange for something important to you. The energy map of desires is a concentrate of energy that does not create excessive tension and imbalance, you remove this imbalance with sincere gratitude.

Step 10
Now you need to decide when to make an energy map of desires. The best days for its creation are 1, 2 and 14 lunar days. These days, personal energy is especially strong, so the card will turn out to be positively charged. In addition, there is one more condition for an effective map - the sign in which the moon is located. Fire and earth signs are preferred. In November, the best days for a wish card are November 9 and 10, November 27. December - December 27.