Eye Magic: Choosing Shadows As A Ritual

Eye Magic: Choosing Shadows As A Ritual
Eye Magic: Choosing Shadows As A Ritual

Enough has been said about the fact that the female gaze has magical powers. But now we will talk a little about something else. The magic of the look can be enhanced with specially selected makeup.

Eye magic: choosing shadows as a ritual
Eye magic: choosing shadows as a ritual

Have you ever thought that with the help of makeup you can attract something new into your life and bring closer the fulfillment of cherished desires. Maybe worth a try?

If you have a serious and important conversation ahead of you, choose shades in pink or green colors - it is believed that this helps mutual understanding and sets the interlocutor for cooperation.

Gray or blue shadows will help to win over a loved one or just to please others and quickly make new friends.

A brown scale will help bosses know that you are serious and determined, and that it may be easier for you to get a promotion or a raise in salary.

Eyeshadows with a pearlescent shine set both you and those around you in a playful and romantic way. In such a mood, it is easy to flirt, and possibly get involved in something adventurous and exciting.

Purple shadows will help to gain an opportunity to look into the future, will contribute to the development of intuition and vivid creative imagination.

If a lady pays more attention to the makeup of the upper eyelid, she is not preoccupied with either financial or everyday problems. At the moment she is more interested in spiritual growth and development. If makeup is more carefully applied to the lower eyelid, the woman is more concerned with thoughts of "daily bread".

If the makeup of the left eye is easier and works better than the right one, perhaps the woman lacks tenderness, patient attitude towards others and warmth. If, on the contrary, it may not hurt the lady to appreciate and love herself more, and also lacks vitality and determination in the fight against the vicissitudes of fate.

In a word, pay attention to the little things - after all, it is from them, as you know, that everything big and important is made up.
