How To Speak Barley In A Child's Eye

How To Speak Barley In A Child's Eye
How To Speak Barley In A Child's Eye

Barley in a child's eye appears as a witness not only to the onset of a cold, but also, according to the beliefs of some people, damage or the evil eye. It is customary among the people to treat it with the help of special conspiracies. Any adult can read these, it is not necessary to turn to magicians for this. Here are the 3 most effective ones.

how to speak barley in a child's eye
how to speak barley in a child's eye

1. Conspiracy on a cookie (fig or dummy)

This is an old ritual. Perhaps you know him well. You need to do the following: twist the muzzle from your fingers and, crossing the inflamed eye, first from top to bottom, and then from left to right, say:

“Barley - barley, you have a fig on you, whatever you want, you can buy it. If I buy myself a hatchet, I will cut you down."

You need to pronounce it three times at a time, once a day. After the conspiracy, be sure to spit right in the eye three times, making sure that the child does not have time to turn away. You need to repeat the ritual for 3 days or until the barley disappears completely. At the same time, you can drip "Tobleks" drops into your eyes - they are safe for small children and pregnant women, just do not forget to consult a pediatrician first.

2. Transfer of barley from the eye to the window frame

This method is also good, judging by the reviews of many moms. You will need a completely new sewing needle to work. Old - it is forbidden to use it, with its help you can only aggravate the problem. And one more thing: the conspiracy can be used only if the child is baptized, because during its implementation it is necessary to read "Our Father". If so, say the words of the prayer three times.

Cross the sore eye every time you say "Amen". When finished, say: "I am sharpening the needle, I am taking away barley" and stick the needle into the frame of the children's room window. Choose the place of "attachment" depending on where the barley is on the eye: the left side of the frame symbolizes the left eye, the right - the corresponding one. The angle depends on which eyelid is inflamed - upper or lower. The ceremony is best performed either early in the morning or at sunset. Parents can choose the exact time themselves.

barley fig plot
barley fig plot

3. Another conspiracy for zero

Suitable if a tree grows near the house. You need to put the child in front of you. Twist the fig, very close to bring it to the sore eye and, starting to twist the fig clockwise, say the following words: "In the name of the Father - and the Son - and the Holy Spirit - Amen." During a conspiracy, after pronouncing certain words, it is necessary to spit three times (in the previous sentence, such moments are indicated by a hyphen). After that, you should go out into the yard, take up any knot and repeat what was said before. Go home without looking back.

Features of the rituals

Despite the fact that the conspiracies given in the article are very simple and easy to execute, judging by the reviews, they help effectively. Just remember a few rules: it is better to memorize conspiracy words (fortunately, they are simple), and not to read from paper, it is better to carry out the ritual at home, on any lunar day, away from prying eyes - for this it is enough to retire with the child in the room.