Some people have hard-to-explain magical or supernatural abilities that manifest themselves in early childhood without effort on their part. Others have to make a lot of effort to show and realize such abilities.

Step 1
You can develop magical abilities in yourself, or at least determine their presence on your own using the simplest tests. But if you have familiar esoterics, you can turn to them. However, in this case, you need to be careful, as some clairvoyants and magicians can use your abilities to your detriment, especially if they agree to work with you for free. The adage “free cheese only in a mousetrap” seems to be specially invented for such cases. It is better to go to a trusted specialist, paying him a fixed amount to determine your potential, than to deal with the magical consequences of "free" consultations all your life.
Step 2
If you are afraid to turn to a stranger, you can independently check the level of development of your intuition and magical abilities. To do this, you will need a few things that can be found in any home.
Step 3
Pay attention to what is happening in your dreams. They can tell you a lot about your hidden abilities, because it is in the state of sleep that you approach your unconscious. Be sure to memorize your dreams, keep a notebook next to the bed, try to write down your dreams there immediately after waking up, before they have "disappeared" from your head. Analyze your dreams, look for connections between them. If you find some kind of repetitive motive, look for its connection with your life, difficult situations. If you have magical potential, your dreams can be a source of important information, the use of which will bring you a lot of benefits.
Step 4
The simplest test to determine your abilities can be done with a magnet. Put it anywhere in the room, turn off the light, close or even blindfold yourself and try to feel the attraction of this magnet without touching it. If you have a weak gift, after a few workouts, you can feel this magnet in the distance.
Step 5
Another very simple test for magical potential can be done using Zener cards. On five identical rectangular cards, draw a square, circle, star, plus, and wavy lines. Pull them from behind without looking, try to guess what exactly is depicted on them. Of course, the cards must be exactly the same in shape and touch. If you regularly guess the picture, at least you have a well-developed intuition or luck on your side, which can also be considered a gift.