The life line is the very first line that appears on the palm of a person. It begins to form on the arm of a human embryo by the time it is two months old. Then the lines of the heart and mind are formed. Based on the fact that the life line on a person's hand is formed even when he is in the womb long before he moves, it is impossible to call them folds, which are formed due to the work of the hands, as many skeptics say.

Step 1
A person's life line is the main line on a person's hand and a kind of indicator of his vitality and love of life. It can be used to determine the level and quality of life, as well as the degree of strength, endurance and energy of a person.
Step 2
The life line encircles the thumb. It begins at the inner edge of the palm from the side of the index finger and outlines a part (the hill of Venus) at the base of the thumb in a semicircle.
Step 3
The life line, like all others, should be deep and clear. Ideally, the semicircle that it forms should be wide, since the part of the arm (the hill of Venus) encircled by the life line is directly related to the amount of human energy and strength. People whose life line is very close to the thumb on the hand, as if "hugging" it, as a rule, are weak, passive, slow and quickly tired. From time to time they feel a lack of energy. They don't have as much strength as they would like. They suffer greatly from this. They need constant rest and relaxation. Such people need to pay great attention to their body, to engage in physical labor, then they will be more enduring and energetic. Conversely, people whose life line is represented by a large semicircle are distinguished by tremendous enthusiasm, an active lifestyle and energy. They are very hardy and life-loving. If such people are engaged in a business that gives them great pleasure, they absolutely do not feel tired and do not feel the need for rest. They enjoy physical activity and after a sound sleep that rejuvenates them, they are ready for new achievements and work.
Step 4
Finally, it is very important to understand that breaks in the life line are not a symbol of death or serious illness of a person. In addition, the length of a lifeline does not in any way determine its duration.