How To Dry A Pumpkin For Crafts

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How To Dry A Pumpkin For Crafts
How To Dry A Pumpkin For Crafts

Video: How To Dry A Pumpkin For Crafts

Video: How To Dry A Pumpkin For Crafts
Video: DIY Preserving Real Pumpkins | Make Your Pumpkins LAST! 2024, October

Bottles, candlesticks, toys - this is not a complete list of what can be made from a pumpkin. Many peoples have a tradition of making different things out of this surprisingly unpretentious and in its own way beautiful plant. But the pumpkin must be carefully prepared. First of all, it must be well dried.

The whimsical shape of the pumpkin attracts the attention of designers
The whimsical shape of the pumpkin attracts the attention of designers

Which pumpkin is right?

Only two types of this plant are suitable for the manufacture of various crafts. They are well known to gardeners and gardeners. These pumpkins are called lagenaria and cucurbita. The peel of the lagenaria is quite hard, which attracts the attention of masters of decorative and applied arts. Freshly removed lagenaria is usually green, but then takes on a beautiful brown or yellow-brown color. Cucurbita has a soft peel. Outwardly, it almost does not differ from the pumpkin, from which salads or pancakes are made. Cucurbita differs from other pumpkins in bizarre, and sometimes even exquisite shapes.

Cucurbita is green, yellow or golden. True, after drying, it most often becomes faded.

It all starts in the garden

It is very important to collect pumpkins of both types correctly. We can say that the manufacture of a flower pot, bottle or flashlight begins even in the garden. Wait for the stalks of your pumpkins to dry. As soon as you notice this, do not waste time - the crop must be harvested before the onset of cold weather. Frost is harmful to the peel, it becomes fragile. Do not cut the pumpkin "at the root", be sure to leave a piece of the stalk 4-5 cm in size. Examine what you have collected. Only absolutely healthy fruits are suitable for drying, without the slightest signs of rot.

Do not leave rotten pumpkins, or you may lose your entire crop. If the healthy parts of the fruit cannot be used for food, it is better to discard the pumpkin.

It won't be today

Pumpkins take a long time to dry. This takes several months, so you will not receive ready-made materials for crafts until spring. Cucurbita dries much faster than lagenarii, about twice. Wash the pumpkins thoroughly with warm soapy water (it is better to use regular baby soap, without any fragrances), wipe with a soft cloth and let dry. Wipe off the peel with a swab dipped in vodka or alcohol. Prepare the room - it should be well ventilated, but at the same time, reliably protect what is in it from direct sunlight. A dry shed or loggia on the north side is suitable. Please note that the premises will be occupied for about six months. Arrange the pumpkins so that they do not touch each other. After about a week and a half, check the process. The pumpkins will change color, but there should be no rot. If specks appear, remove the pumpkin. Examine the fruits a couple of times a week, remove the rotten ones, turn over the ones that remain. After five to six months, when you turn over, you will hear that the seeds inside are thundering when shaken. This means that the pumpkins are ready and you can make something interesting.
