Keeping an orchid at home is an activity for true flower growers. An orchid requires special care, reverent attitude. For her part, she will be grateful, will delight her with her beauty, because can bloom up to 6 months.

Step 1
Orchids are epiphytic plants, i.e. able to live on other plants, in nature these are trees. Having an orchid at home should remember this. No need to try to grow it in the ground, it feels great in the substrate. You can cook it yourself, or buy it ready-made. It consists of pieces of pine bark and moss.
Step 2
It is better to choose a transparent or white flower pot. Do not plant in clay, orchid roots can grow to it. It is important not to forget about ventilation; holes must be made in the bottom of the pot.
Step 3
When transplanting a flower, initially place a drain on the bottom of the pot. It can be pieces of polystyrene, then there is a substrate and finally an orchid. Sprinkle with substrate on top. I would like to remind you that you can transplant an orchid once every 3 years. When sprinkling the plant, do not press the roots under any circumstances.
Step 4
Orchid is a lover of light. Its presence determines the flowering time. But she cannot stand the bright midday heat. The east or west side of the window is the best place for a flower. Orchid leaves can indicate a lack of light, they will darken. When you acquire a yellow tint, they will prompt you about an excess of light.
Step 5
Watering should be done every 2-3 days. In winter, less often, once a week. The orchid does not tolerate waterlogging, make sure that the substrate dries completely. The watering process is not standard, the flower pot must be placed in a bowl of water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, leave the pot to stand for a while in the basin.
Step 6
The dry climate of the room is the enemy of the plant. Spraying is best done with warm water. It is better not to moisten a blooming orchid from above, it can throw off the flowers. The temperature of the plant is 25 degrees. Orchids do not like drafts, but air movement is still necessary.
Step 7
The orchid blooms from 1, 5-2 years of age. If there is no blooming, you can arrange a little stress. The temperature difference can provoke flowering. In winter, it is better not to disturb the flower, it is better to leave it in a cool place until spring.