How To Attract Money

How To Attract Money
How To Attract Money

To attract material well-being into your life, you need to work, realize your aspirations, overcome obstacles and obstacles on the way to enrichment. But there are also other ways to attract money to yourself. They are associated with the ability to correctly direct monetary energy in the right direction.

How to attract money
How to attract money

Rule one - dream

If in your dreams you represent large sums of money, wealth, luxury, then you will concentrate your mind on the possession of money. Dream not about how you will make a million, but about the fact that this million is already in your hands. Imagine how happy you will be with this money that you can buy with it. Build an ideal model of your life in your subconscious mind, it will not only give you favorable emotions and relaxation, but also program you into the fact that you will really attract cash income.

Rule two - love money

Money is "attracted" to those people who are full of the energy of love for them. Keep your money in large bills, carry it in a beautiful wallet, touch and count it more often. Rejoice in any income, even small ones. Express your joy out loud, because all words, like thoughts, are material and have great power. Therefore, avoid bad thoughts associated with financial difficulties, high costs, try not to complain that you do not have money, otherwise they really will not be.

Rule three - clear the space for money to come

Do not store old things in your apartment: worn out clothes, chipped dishes, faulty household appliances. Do not clutter the balcony and pantry with unnecessary things. These things carry negative, stagnant energy that does not allow new, positive, as well as financial energy into your home. By getting rid of old things, you open your home for all that is good, new, and joyful.

Rule four - create "magnets" to attract money

Make sure that your dining table is always covered with a beautiful tablecloth. Place a few bills under the tablecloth. The more bills are in value, the better. There should be no empty containers on the table. If there is a vase on it, then let it always be filled with flowers, the candy bowl - with sweets.

Do not leave trash bags in your home overnight. But also do not bear it late at night. Better to do it in the middle of the day.

Ventilate the apartment often. To attract material wealth to your house, fill it from time to time with "money" aromas: mint, cinnamon, orange.

Put a coin under the threshold or under the rug in the hallway, which will attract money and good luck into the house.

Let money always lie in a secluded place at home. It is desirable that these were new bills. This stock will attract income. The larger the bills, the more they attract other bills.

On payday, try not to waste it. Let the entire amount lie down for at least a day in your wallet or on your card in order to charge you with favorable monetary energy.