On Valentine's Day, couples traditionally exchange heart-shaped cards - a cute game that lovers love. Also, in this way, you can show your feelings for a person who does not even know about them. A gift made with a soul creates a special feeling, so try to make a voluminous valentine with your own hands.

Option 1

Making such a postcard with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. You will need heavy paper, a printer (in a pinch, you can do without it) and scissors.
These valentines are also called unexpected. Take a sheet of cardboard and print a blank on it, which will later need to be bent along the dotted line. Next, we attach it with glue to a bright sheet of paper, decorate it with beads, beads, ribbons.

Option 2
If you are a girl of an inveterate gambling addict or web designer, then he will like this valentine, which you can also make with your own hands.

Print the blank on cardboard, and bend all the lines marked in red. Thus, you get a voluminous heart that needs to be attached to another sheet of thick paper.

You can fantasize and print declarations of love in different languages that will flaunt on the valentine. Let them be in a different font. You can also collect newspapers and magazines that you find in your home and carve out the letters that make up your cherished words.
Option 3
Give your other half your heart! You can make a voluminous valentine in the form of this vital organ with your own hands.

You will need heavy paper or cardboard, scissors, glue, and a little patience. The progress of the work is shown in detail in the photo. First, we make a blank, cut it out, bend the indicated lines and glue the heart.

There are a lot of possible options for decorating such a postcard. You just have to turn on your imagination and everything will definitely work out!