How To Draw The Sky

How To Draw The Sky
How To Draw The Sky

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The blue sky is beautiful. But drawing such a sky is not difficult. But the sunset sky can contain red, yellow, orange shades and even blue-violet shades of colors. It is impossible to draw an evening landscape with a river, mountains and hills, green grass without a beautiful and realistic sunset sky. So let's first learn how to draw and color the evening sky.

Drawing a sunset sky is more difficult, but the drawing looks amazing
Drawing a sunset sky is more difficult, but the drawing looks amazing


Step 1

Limit yourself to light shades and start drawing clouds right away. The contours of mountains, hills and other elements of the landscape should be already outlined with a soft pencil by this time. By the way, the more pencil, the better. Feel free to sketch and outline the elements of the landscape. After coloring, their pencil outlines should be visible, otherwise the drawing will look something like a school one.

Step 2

First, paint the clouds at the top of the painting using a dark gray-blue paint. The perspective of the cloud layer will give the drawing extra depth. Move gradually to the clouds above the horizon line. These clouds should be painted a little differently, with thinned paint.

Step 3

Now dilute a large amount of light blue watercolor and paint all parts of the sky, except for the clouds, evenly. Just leave a small area of the sky near the horizon line unpainted. There the sky will no longer be blue. The blue sky will turn into a cloudy reddish gray as it approaches the horizon.

Step 4

The sky is now ready. You can mark coastal objects on the river and be taken for rocks, hills and stones. And they are drawn like this. Fill the ridge with paint, then add rich watercolors of different colors to this monotony. You can even mix blue with brown or red. Next, add some clean water and wait until the drawing dries. You will end up with a multi-colored ridge with clear boundaries, as well as random transitions of brightness and color inside.

Step 5

While the water dries, you can also work on the rest of the drawing that has not yet been drawn. On the trees, "plant" on a bright red blot. When these blots are dry, you get pretty autumn trees. After the painting is completely dry, you can insert it into a thin lacquered frame and admire your creation.
