How To Draw A House And A Tree

How To Draw A House And A Tree
How To Draw A House And A Tree

Table of contents:


A cozy wooden house next to a curly birch tree or under the shade of a spreading oak tree can become an object for your creativity. In order for images on paper to convey resemblance to the original, carefully consider them before drawing. What parts does the house consist of and what does a tree, its trunk and leaves look like.

How to draw a house and a tree
How to draw a house and a tree

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - a glass of water;
  • - colour pencils.


Step 1

Take a piece of paper and place it horizontally. For the preliminary drawing, you will need a simple medium-soft pencil. Draw a horizon line on the sheet. For a harmonious composition, the sky should occupy 1/2 or 2/3 of the leaf. Find the middle of the sheet - this will be the center of the drawing.

Step 2

Sketch the dimensions of the future house using thin lines. And also outline the tree - its upper and lower parts. The lines should be thin and barely visible so that you can easily erase them later. They are necessary in order to first outline the location of future objects, and then draw their shape. Once you have decided on the size and location of the house and tree, start drawing them.

Step 3

Draw the house first. The simplified diagram of the house consists of geometric shapes: a square - the main part, a triangle - a roof, a rectangle - a door, small squares - windows. After the sketchy drawing, proceed with the details. If the house is a log house, show it with horizontal lines, depict the brickwork in the form of small rectangles. For the door, you can draw a porch with a roof in the form of a triangle and a staircase of 3 steps in the form of long rectangles. Draw a bound frame on the windows.

Step 4

Start drawing a tree. First, decide whether it will be a thin birch or a mighty oak. See how a tree looks in nature, what kind of trunk it has, how the branches are located, study the shape of the leaves. Then start drawing. Draw a trunk and some branches. Mark the boundaries of the crown of the tree. Do not draw all the leaves, a few leaves will be enough, the rest you will finish with paints or colored pencils.

Step 5

Take paints or crayons. Start coloring the drawing with the lightest details, gradually moving to darker ones. To get a tree with a voluminous crown, first cover the entire leaf area with the lightest tone. Gradually draw individual leaves with small strokes of a darker tone. After you color the whole drawing, let it dry a little. Then take a thin brush or pencil and paint with a dark color here and there the main details. This will make your work complete.
