How To Make A Felt Hat

How To Make A Felt Hat
How To Make A Felt Hat

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The hat adorns any woman. Gives it chic, mystery and charm. In it, every lady feels mysterious and stylish. But it is not always possible to choose exactly what suits you. Is it possible to make a felt hat yourself?

How to make a felt hat
How to make a felt hat

It is necessary

  • - wooden blank;
  • - felt;
  • - special glue;
  • - pins;
  • - needles;
  • - small carnations;
  • - decorations.


Step 1

There is a certain technology for making felt hats. Adhering to it, you will figure out a hat with your own hands that no one else will have.

Step 2

First you need to prepare a hat blank. The easiest way is to order it from a master modeller who deals with wooden blocks. He will make the correct measurements, and after a while you will receive a finished last. They are usually made from linden wood to make it easier to hammer the pins in the process.

Step 3

Use a felt hat for making a hat. Soak it well with cold water. Wait until it is completely soaked. Better to use a special felt glue. If you manage to get it, dissolve this powder in water, stir well and lubricate the inside with this solution, let it soak well. In this case, the future hat will have a more rigid shape.

Step 4

Then hold the prepared felt over the steam. You will be surprised to see how he starts to become more plastic.

Step 5

When the felt has softened enough, throw it over the blank. Then quickly stretch it and shape it to the shape of the head with enveloping movements.

Step 6

When you are finished shaping the hat, move on to its brim. To do this, make fasteners along the edge, namely in the place where your hat will go into the fields. This edge is called the bridle line and corresponds to your head volume. Then tie a blank with felt with a bandage or cord along the line of the attachment. And so that it does not slip, fix it with small nails or thick needles.

Step 7

The top of the hat is secured, move on to the brim. They have dried up during this time, so hold your structure over the steam. And after steaming, pull out the felt for the fields and nail it with nails to a previously prepared board. Don't try to achieve perfectly round margins, just stretch with a little margin.

Step 8

After that, leave the workpiece to dry completely. Then mark the margins of the desired diameter and remove the hat from the blank. Align them carefully to the marked line. That's it, the hat blank is ready.

Step 9

Decorate and decorate the hat to your liking.
