How To Make Lilac From Beads

How To Make Lilac From Beads
How To Make Lilac From Beads

In Scandinavia, there is a beautiful legend about the appearance of lilac bushes. According to her, all the flowers were created by the goddess of spring, mixing the rainbow and the sun's rays, and showered them on the meadows, and when she reached the gardens, only purple remained. Now lilacs grow in many gardens and parks, but you can admire its beautiful flowering only for a couple of weeks in late spring. However, needlewomen can preserve this beauty for a long time and weave lilac branches from beads.

How to make lilac from beads
How to make lilac from beads

How to make lilac inflorescences

For weaving lush flowers, prepare:

- 200 g of lilac or white round beads;

- wire for beading;

- wire cutters.

Lilac flowers are more convenient and quickest to make using the looping technique, since a huge number of individual elements are needed to make the inflorescence lush and beautiful. To do this, cut 5 cm pieces of special beading wire. In total, you will need about 200 such segments.

String 4 beads on each piece of wire, bend it in a loop and make a couple of securing turns under the beads. Place the parts in a separate container.

How to weave leaves

To weave the leaves, you will need 50 g of green beads, floss threads, PVA glue, beading wire, a piece of thicker aluminum wire with a diameter of 2 mm, scissors and nippers. Lilac leaves are rather large and rounded, so it is most convenient to make them using the French bead weaving technique.

Cut a piece of thick wire 30 cm long and 50 cm thin. String 4 green beads onto the wire for beading, wrap the edge of the element around the base. Bend the part with an arc and make another turn from the opposite side. String 4 more beads onto the beading wire and bend the wire with an arc on the opposite side of the axis, securing it with turns around the thick wire - the axis for the leaf.

Then dial 2 times as many beads for each such arc and place the elements as close to each other as possible. The result should be a rounded and elongated sheet. Make 15 leaves of the same size.

Wrap the petioles with floss threads at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the leaf. Connect them into three branches of 5 sheets each, twist the wire, forming a stem, and wrap it tightly with threads. Secure them with PVA glue.

How to collect a branch of lilac

Cut a piece of thick aluminum wire with a wire cutter. Tie the flower to one end so that it is located at the very top. In the next tier, under this flower loop, place 7 parts and screw the wire to the base, in the third tier of the inflorescence place 9 elements.

For the rest of the rows, you need to make several "bouquets" of individual elements. Fold 3 flowers together and twist the wires. In the fourth tier, attach 5 such twists. In the remaining rows, make more complex inflorescences from "bouquets" and single flowers, alternating them. At the same time, in each subsequent tier, increase their number.

Make 3 inflorescences of different sizes, connect them together, placing the petioles at some distance from each other. Place the prepared lilac leaves, woven using the French technique, around the twig, and twist the wire. Wrap the branch with green floss. Secure its ends with PVA glue.