Is It Worth Turning To Fortune-tellers

Is It Worth Turning To Fortune-tellers
Is It Worth Turning To Fortune-tellers

Increasingly, people who doubt their future turn to psychics and fortune-tellers. Their logic can be understood - you always want to be confident in the future. However, fortune-telling often becomes commonplace programming of fate, which can lead to unpleasant results.

Is it worth turning to fortune-tellers
Is it worth turning to fortune-tellers

Can I contact a fortune teller?

The future is a fragile, unclear and uncertain thing. Any action in the present potentially changes everything. That is why it is so dangerous to contact fortune-tellers or psychics.

First, there is no objective evidence of superpowers. Even if we assume that such abilities may exist, their presence cannot be verified. Often, most of the known "miracles" turn out to be well-rehearsed tricks. Accordingly, there is an extremely high chance of getting to an irresponsible charlatan who will report ten "celibacy crowns" and evil eyes, ask for a lot of money for their removal, spoil your mood, and as a result nothing will change.

Secondly, the visit to fortune-tellers has been ordered for believers. This is considered an appeal to the dark forces, which means it is a sin.

If you have recently converted to Christianity, consider whether it is worth going to a fortune-teller given the fact that priests condemn this practice.

If you do decide to go to a fortune teller, do not take too much money with you. This way you will be less tempted to buy yourself some powerful trinket.

Third, and this is a very important point, "information" about the future can program you. Perhaps you will subconsciously begin to perform actions that will lead you precisely to the “predicted future”. And it's good if you were predicted something positive and pleasant, but if the fortune-teller told you terrible things, and your subconscious mind perceived them as a signal for action?

Of course, a positive outlook can be very helpful. People ask them to tell fortunes to hear something good. Often, a good fortune-teller psychologist can advise something important and meaningful. But, even if you decide to go to such a specialist, you should not do it with regular practice. Regular monthly forecasts will make you addicted to a fortune teller, which will lead to nothing good.

Where to go for the programming of the future?

It is in self-programming that the most danger lies. Often, fortune-tellers-psychologists arrange all these impressive rituals, such as peering into a crystal ball or fortune-telling on cards, to put the client in a state suitable for self-programming.

Most of the "fortune-telling" is based on physiognomy and subtle knowledge of human psychology. Various techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming simplify the fortuneteller's work.

Then their predictions seem to begin to come true, the client comes to them several more times, bringing good money. Charlatans use this very technique to convince a person that there is a lot of negativity in his future, which can be got rid of by buying himself some unique talisman. A person buys a similar trinket for a lot of money, subconsciously "puts a tick" in the subconscious and waits for the amulet to work.