Despite its positive meaning, a dream wedding does not always mean something good and bright. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, a wedding ceremony seen by a female representative in a dream foreshadows her only illnesses and misfortunes. However, is everything so gloomy?

Vision of a wedding in a dream
If a girl sees herself as a guest at a wedding celebration, great joy awaits her in the near future. Seeing yourself as a witness (witness) at a wedding promises a quick change in your personal life, a new love or passion. Preparing for a wedding in a dream of a girl who is going to get married in real life portends many experiences and pre-wedding chores.
Seeing yourself in a white bride's dress promises an elderly woman a possible death, and a young woman - cardinal changes in life.
Seeing your own wedding in a dream means upcoming health problems, as well as family or family relationships. If a woman dreamed that her wedding did not take place, then she needs to reconsider her behavior and try to avoid impulsive actions in reality, which can cause a number of negative consequences.
Being late for a wedding in a dream can mean material loss. A dream with a wedding, in which the bridegroom is taken away from the bride, hints at the need to revise the circle of her friends - there may be envious people among them.
Wedding according to popular dream books
According to Miller's dream book, getting married in a dream is a pretty good sign, symbolizing a brilliant way out of a difficult situation. If you see a man in black at your wedding, the marriage in real life will be unsuccessful. A similar vision of someone else's wedding - a loved one may have various health problems.
If you had a bad dream with a wedding, which left you with negative feelings, in the morning three times repeat "where the night is, there is a dream."
His own wedding according to Vanga's dream book foreshadows a difficult choice that will have to be made in the near future and determine the course of his future life. Taking a walk at someone else's wedding symbolizes a fateful acquaintance in real life or help that your closest friends or relatives will soon ask for. Give them this help as you may need it in the future.
According to Freud, a dream about a wedding means a major surprise that will surprise you very much and seem ambiguous. If the dream has come true, take the surprise calmly and think about its hidden meaning - perhaps with its help the person wants to tell you something. Someone else's wedding, according to Freud's interpretation, personifies good news concerning your close and dear people.