Bright, shocking, spectacular, sparkling with amazing vocals and manner of performance - such is the singer Anastasia Lyubimova.

Family and education
Muscovite Anastasia Alexandrovna Lyubimova was born into a family of teachers on June 26, 1986. As the third child, the daughter was the only one, naturally, that the mother tried to realize her unfulfilled dreams in her daughter. Once she herself really wanted to sing and dance, so the choice of hobby for the baby fell on choreography. Nastya recalls how she did not want to go to a dance class, what pain the exercises and stretching caused her. Nobody even wanted to hear about her love for singing, although music was always played at home. But it was opera and ballet compositions, and the girl loved to listen to Alexander Malinin.
Obeying the will of her parents, she enters the Academy of Choreography. Failed to complete training. The reason for this was the excess of the girl's height.
She continued her studies at the G. Ledyakh school, from which Nastya graduated with excellent results at the age of 16.
The dance career of the ballet dancer began quite successfully: she performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater and in the Kremlin, toured abroad, spent a year in Greece, where she tried herself as a film actress, starring in the Greek TV series Mysterious House.
Real creativity
In 2008, returning home, Anastasia decides to make her old dream come true. The beginning was given by training in courses on television and radio. There he met Al Ray, which resulted in joint work and the emergence of the "Breathe-Breathe Out" group.
The collaboration turned out to be successful - the recorded videos quickly conquered the top lines of the charts - but, alas, short-lived. Internal disagreements led to the fact that the girl began to engage in solo activities.
The very first track "Unreal Love" within the framework of a joint dj-project blew up the rotation of radio stations.
The next step in the career of an aspiring singer was her participation in the tour of the famous boxer Roy Jones.
Now Nastya Lyubimova does not leave the first positions in the charts. Styles of her performance are varied: pop-rock, euro-rock, slow compositions and ballads, dance style. Recently, the singer prefers Euro-rock. She writes lyrics herself.
Free time
The singer prefers to keep her personal life secret, but willingly shares her hobbies in her free time.
She called her passion for costumes an unusual hobby: she herself loves to bring something new to her stage image.
Sometimes he is engaged in drawing, which his father taught as a child. He loves to read, although he admits that there is not enough time for this, his work takes him away.
Two or three times a week she necessarily attends a dance class, with a lack of free time for sports, this helps to keep herself in shape.
“I want to wake up every morning with a smile and know that I will be doing what I love,” says Nastya Lyubimova.