Catfish fishing in winter is very peculiar. In winter, the catfish sleeps and therefore it can only be caught by a tycoon. The fish lays on the bottom, mainly in pits. Catfish are often found in groups. The only difficulty in winter fishing is to find catfish pits, and then you only need patience and skill.

It is necessary
An ice auger for drilling a hole, a self-drilling tool for catching a catfish, a powerful hook
Step 1
Prepare a sucker in advance. It consists of large iron hooks, which, together with a sinker, are attached to a rope or thick fishing line. Usually there are three hooks, so do not use more of them.
Step 2
Look for a spot where catfish are most likely to be found. Since catfish sleep in pits in winter, you need to look for those places in the reservoir at the bottom of which these pits are. Finding catfish places at random is unlikely to work. Therefore, from the summer, notice the place. Look for the deepest pits first.
Step 3
Cut a hole. Choose the diameter of the hole yourself. You should not make it too large in advance, it is enough for it to be no more than three medium-sized catfish heads taken together.
Step 4
Prepare a samodek for casting to the bottom and make a test cast. Here attentiveness and sensitivity of sensations is required from you. After casting - carefully hook and pull out the anchor hooks. From the first cast, you most likely will not pull anything, but do not despair. Drop the sucker again and pull it out as well. Please note that you can pick up one fish or several at once.
Step 5
Be patient, especially if this is your first winter catfish catch. If you are sure that it is under your hole that there is a winter camp, then sooner or later you will still pick up a catfish.
Step 6
Pull the fish out without unnecessary sudden movements. Since in winter the catfish are in a rather deep hibernation, then the rogue with the hooked fish should be pulled out of the water at an average pace. You should not rush, otherwise the catfish will wake up and easily get off the hooks. If you hesitate, there is a high probability that the fish will free itself from the tackle under its own weight.
Step 7
Be extremely careful as soon as some part of the fish appears at the surface of the hole. Without letting go of the samodera, pierce the sleepy fish with any sharp and powerful object (for example, another hook) and pull the fish sharply onto the ice. It only depends on your speed whether you pull the fish onto the ice or not.
Step 8
Remember that the method of catching catfish with a sniper has nothing to do with sport fishing. Do not take out more sleeping fish than you need, and even more so - more than allowed by law.