How To Take On Symbols

How To Take On Symbols
How To Take On Symbols

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In everyday life, a person is constantly surrounded by various symbols. Many do not pay any attention to them. And those who have learned to notice and decipher the signs of fate are often called clairvoyants.

How to take on symbols
How to take on symbols


Step 1

If you believe in various messages of fate, then the primary task for you is to learn to distinguish signs and symbols sent from above from simple coincidences. In a broad sense, a symbol is an event or phenomenon characterized by atypicality, suddenness, and sacred meaning. Often, the appearance of signs of fate is contrary to the laws of logic and physics. This is confirmed by the catch phrase "Thunder from a clear sky."

Step 2

In addition to the above signs, the symbols sent by the higher powers are repetitive. For example, you are about to place a bet on a racetrack and are hesitant about which horse to choose. Here you are walking down the street, and in the middle of the working day, an athlete runs towards you along a busy street with the number 5 on his T-shirt. The son, who did not shine with knowledge of mathematics, calls and boasts that he has received an A. And then your bank announces that in honor of its fifth anniversary, it is ready to provide you with a loan at 5% per annum. These events are undoubtedly symbols, since are atypical by nature, have a common element (number 5) and give a direct indication of what to do - place a bet on horse number 5.

Step 3

However, not all the symbols sent down from above are so easy to decipher. For example, you have the same dream for several days in a row, where you see the letter Z. Think what associations it evokes in you. If the first thing that came to your mind is the story of the legendary Zorro, then this symbol may be a call to decisive action. And if you are going to buy a car soon, then this may be a direct indication of the brand of the car (Z is very similar to the emblem of the Opel concern).

Step 4

When decoding such symbols, trust your own subconscious mind. Unsuccessfully and for a long time trying to solve some problem, your brain stops resting. And even when you are distracted, resting or sleeping, the subconscious mind continues to look for solutions. That is why often fateful symbols come to you in the form of an insight, vision or dream.
