How nice it is to wake up early in the morning and realize that today you don't need anywhere, and you can spend the whole day at your leisure, but what to do if you have no desire to indulge in watching television?

Step 1
Use any convenient moment to restore your strength, you did not get enough sleep all week - get enough sleep, physically worked - take a pine bath, kept negative emotions in yourself - go to the gym. After all, it is not so important what we do, it is important how we feel at the same time.
Step 2
Household chores.
If you suddenly feel bored, you can look around and add bright details in the house, for example, change the curtains or put new napkins in the kitchen. Despite the fact that this is still not the most pleasant activity, if you add a touch of creativity to it, then this unpleasant duty will turn into a pleasant duty. You can study articles about decoupage and give new life to your old things.
Step 3
When the soul asks for new things, it's time to go in for tourism or master a new sport that will help not only train the body and soul, but also find new friends of interest, with whom there will be something to do. It is worth noting that sitting out of your favorite chair, in connection with an online tournament on the Internet, an active rest, certainly does not count.
Step 4
All good things come to an end and now free time comes to an end. To make the new work week successful, it is worth spending a little time planning the main goals and objectives, then it will be easier to work.
Step 5
Care. It often happens that the closest people are completely devoid of care and family warmth due to their busyness and busyness with everyday life. Free time is a chance to give your warmth to everyone, relatives, friends and even your pet, once again playing with it.