Healing And Magical Properties Of Blueberries

Healing And Magical Properties Of Blueberries
Healing And Magical Properties Of Blueberries

Forest blueberries are endowed not only with healing properties, but also with magical powers. It was the wild berry that was used by both the ancient Slavs and the Celts (Druids) within the framework of everyday protection, love magic. Healers and healers strongly recommend the use of berries and leaves of the plant for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Forest blueberry
Forest blueberry

The magical powers of wild blueberries are revealed only if the leaves or berries of the plant are harvested in a certain period of time.

You need to go to collect the leaves during the third lunar phase, immediately after sunset. At this time, there should be no dew on the grass and leaves.

Berries for magical purposes should be harvested shortly before the full moon, in the early morning hours.

Harvesting period: mid-summer to mid-autumn. After the first frost, you should not touch the forest blueberries.

Both in folk medicine and in magic, both fresh parts of the plant and dried ones are used. When dried, blueberry leaves and berries do not lose their unusual properties.

Magical properties

Blueberry is a wild berry that is in demand in love magic. It is believed that she endows a person with sexuality, attractiveness. If you wash your face with a decoction of blueberry leaves, you can prolong youth, gain a lot of fans.

Blueberries are often added to love drinks. This tradition came from Europe. In ancient times, druids made love potions based on blueberries. However, the magic "elixir" from this berry is also able to awaken fading feelings, kindle passion between lovers and bring harmony to the relationship between husband and wife.

In the past, young girls and guys who wanted to meet their soul mate as soon as possible and get married, carried dried blueberries in their pockets, under their clothes. It was believed that such a simple natural talisman would attract love.

Wild blueberries contain powerful protective forces. Berries and leaves help protect against magical influences, from energy vampires. They divert troubles, problems and misfortunes from a person.

If you put a few dry berries and leaves of a plant under the threshold or a rug by the front door, no evil will enter the house. Blueberries will create a barrier for evil spirits and entities, for unpleasant people.

Blueberries in magic and healing
Blueberries in magic and healing

If you regularly drink blueberry juice, then you can not only improve your well-being, but also cleanse yourself on the energy plane.

So that there is no chaos and problems in the house, equipment does not break down, fires or pipe breaks do not happen, bouquets of blueberry twigs should be kept in the rooms.

The healing properties of blueberries

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions from the plant are used both externally and internally. For example, lotions and compresses help with hemorrhoids, skin diseases, and promote skin regeneration. With the help of them, you can quickly get rid of ulcers, wounds on the body.

Blueberry infusions help with a sore throat. If you rinse your mouth with them, you can strengthen the gums, get rid of the corresponding diseases, for example, from stomatitis.

Blueberry strengthens the immune system and relieves vitamin deficiency, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body, removing toxins and toxins. Blueberries improve vision, strengthen eye muscles, and relieve eye fatigue.

Blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties. Blueberry juice is an astringent that helps to stop diarrhea, especially caused by poisoning, infection.

The fruits of the plant reduce blood pressure as well as lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, blueberries can be eaten with diabetes mellitus.
