Cats Know How To Anticipate - Is That So?

Cats Know How To Anticipate - Is That So?
Cats Know How To Anticipate - Is That So?

A cat is an animal that human rumor has endowed with mystical power. It is believed that the cat anticipates in advance all the events that will happen to the owners, and tries to warn in case of impending troubles.

Cats know how to anticipate - is that so?
Cats know how to anticipate - is that so?

Cats and people have lived side by side since time immemorial, and during this time there were enough cases to make sure that these creatures, beautiful and graceful, are for certain connected with something mysterious, mystical.

It is not for nothing that cats and cats are associated with supernatural phenomena, and the eyes of cats are sometimes called "windows to another world." Many different signs are associated with this animal.

To predict the future and know how the gods decided to dispose of human life, since ancient times, people have used various signs associated with the behavior of animals. Most often in this respect, they tried to use cats - they were considered special animals, prophetic, their "predictions" were trusted. According to certain manners, by the behavior of cats, they tried to predict future events.

As popular beliefs say, cats are well aware of any future changes - this applies to both good and bad events. Observing the behavior of cats, you can find out in advance what the weather will be like, whether it is worth waiting for guests, whether you should be afraid of any illness or misfortune. Preventing misfortune is incomparably better than trying to survive it with the least possible loss. Therefore, many people who trust omens try to closely monitor the cat's habits.
