Solving puzzles is a fun and educational activity for children and adults. Puzzles can be bought or made by yourself, with your own hands. The creation of such is no less entertaining process than their solution. For example, the African puzzle about coconuts.

It is necessary
A small piece of plywood. Tools for working with it. A small string. Three beads that can be strung freely on the string
Step 1
Cut a small rectangle out of the plywood, 10 cm long and 2 cm wide.
Step 2
Then drill three small holes in it. The diameter of the holes should be less than the diameter of the beads you selected, i.e. they must not fit into the holes.
Step 3
Next, you need to fix the twine on the plywood in a certain way. Take one end of the string and tie it tightly to the left-most hole. Then string the first bead onto the string.
Step 4
Thread the string through the middle hole. In doing so, allow it to hang freely between the two holes. Then you need to thread the string again into the middle hole, however, from the same side from which its free end came out. To prevent the twine from coming out immediately, grab that part of it that connects the left and middle holes in the loop. Now you need to thread the string through the same loop again.
Step 5
String the two remaining beads onto the string and secure it to the left hole in the plywood. It should also sag.
Step 6
Now try to solve the puzzle: without undoing the string, move one of the two beads to the other arc of the rope where the third bead hangs.