Kicking the ball is also called freestyle. At first glance, this is a difficult hobby, especially if you are watching real professionals who can do real miracles with the ball. But learning to kick the ball, albeit not so masterly, is still possible. The main thing here is knowledge of the basic rules of freestyle and the consistency of training. Knowing the basic rules, you will soon learn how to hit the ball correctly and beautifully.

Step 1
Choose the most comfortable footwear before starting your workout. Convenience refers to its size. She should not dangle on her leg or, conversely, tighten her feet. Once you've found the perfect freestyle shoe, only wear it in your workouts. If your favorite sneakers wear out, try buying similar ones.
Step 2
It is better to use only a football ball for stuffing. Find yourself a permanent place for your hitting training. You can attract your friends who share your interests - it will be more fun to train. In addition, the best results, according to practice, are achieved in the company.
Step 3
Now you can go directly to training. Develop mastery of both legs at the same time, even if you start with exercises that are performed with one leg. As you improve your skills, you will discover more and more complex techniques and tricks with the ball.
Step 4
Learn to maintain general body balance, as many tricks require good flexibility and coordination of movements. Try to watch how the ball moves as you hit, to learn how to understand its trajectory. And also try to hit the exact center of the ball every time. If something doesn't work out right away, don't worry - all these skills will come in the process of training.
Step 5
That's all there is to know about hitting the ball. And with what tricks to start and how to perform them, this is a matter of more than one article. In addition, each person trains in their own way and uses their favorite tricks as a base.