Fire is such a device with the help of which fire can be obtained. At one time it found wide application for itself as an analogue of modern matches and lighters. The simplest flint can be made from kresal (a file with a fine notch), flint (the mineral pyrite-iron sulfide), and tinder. The flint carves a sheaf of sparks by hitting the chair, the tinder begins to smolder, after which it swells with its lips until a fire breaks out. By the way, if the tinder is of good quality, the flame can break out immediately.

Step 1
With krestal and flint everything is clear. But what about tinder? This requires a fibrous material that can instantly ignite from sparks. Since ancient times, plant materials, specially processed and prepared, have been used to make tinder. Let's list some of them: crushed dry polypores; dried grass and moss; pine needles; fir cones; birch bark; dust produced by carpenter beetles. Often, for the manufacture of tinder, they took the contents of bird nests, flax fibers, wood sawdust and shavings, fluffed cotton wool or cotton, burnt cotton cloth, and waxed paper.
Step 2
Since the material of tinder is vegetable cellulose, dry cloth (rags) is also considered a convenient form of tinder. The tinder must be kept dry and burned in advance, so that in the future it will instantly ignite. Tinder (like flint) is stored in a dry hermetically sealed container.
Step 3
Here's how you can make your own tinder from a tinder fungus. By the way, the tinder fungus began to be called the tinder fungus precisely because good tinder was often made of it. So, take one large mushroom (preferably birch), then remove the hard crust from it with a knife, and then separate the dust in the place where the tinder fungus is attached to the tree.
Step 4
Now separate the spongy part of the tinder fungus with the same knife. As a result, you will have its "suede" part. Cut this part into shreds and boil for 2-4 hours in a solution of wood ash or as a wick (a handful of lime and salt in a bucket of water). Dry the plates after cooking, knead them with your own hands and beat them with a wooden mallet, performing light blows with them. Such a "rag" will easily begin to smolder in a dry state, even from a few sparks.