10 Ugly Men We Adore

10 Ugly Men We Adore
10 Ugly Men We Adore

Men who are an exception to the rule and do not fit into any canons of beauty can lead the ratings of the most demanded and charming. They became idols of cinema, music, theatrical stage. They are incredibly attractive, charismatic and desired by millions of women. So, ten ugly men we adore.

10 ugly men we adore
10 ugly men we adore

Benedict Cumberbatch

Extraordinary appearance, curly soft curls, wide nose bridge, slanting cheekbones, charming smile. All this is spiced with British manners and noble article. It is difficult to call him beautiful, but attractive - you must! The actor knows how to present himself and transform into any, positive and negative characters.

Mick Jagger

A rock musician with a large mouth, thin lips, a pointed nose and a thin appearance is by no means handsome. But thanks to his unique appearance and amazing talent, Jagger fascinates not only women. It fully embodies the beloved symbiosis of sex, drugs and rock and roll. He is called frankly ugly, but this does not prevent him, talented, smart and groovy, to change hundreds of mistresses and wives.


Javier Bardem

Brutal, male, macho - as soon as the fans of this sultry brunette Spaniard are not called. With one glance and a slight half-smile, he drives women of all countries crazy. But if you look closely, his facial features are rather rough, his nose is large and ugly, his physique is too dense. And yet he is a true heartthrob and seducer. At the same time, in life, Javier Bardem is a loving family man and father, he and his wife are raising a son and daughter in a prosperous marriage.

Serge Gensbourg

Bulging eyes, wrinkles, nose-potatoes. What do women find in it? But as soon as Serge Gensburg, the French film actor, smile, and the ladies melt. Four marriages, dozens of novels and thousands of loyal fans. It's all to blame for the amazing charisma, which attracts a magnet to an already middle-aged actor, despite his specific appearance.


Adriano Celentano

He is certainly not Alain Delon, and he cannot boast of the classical beauty of Celentano. The film actor and musician has large teeth, a very wrinkled face, and a deep, heavy look. But talent made Celentano a real personification of masculinity, gallantry and lust. Yes, outwardly, he is really ugly. But at the same time he is irresistible!

Yury Nikulin

A slightly strange young man, after demobilization from the army, went straight to VGIK, but during the examination test he was refused. The introductory commission called Yuri Nikulin not handsome enough to act in films. They recommended that he go to the drama school. However, even here he was in for a collapse; he was not accepted at GITIS and Schepkinskoye - all for the same reason. And only with the help of friends did he manage to become a student at the theater studio of the Noginsk theater.


As Nikulin himself admitted in an interview, in the army he was called "worm in a swoon." “I always knew I was ugly, long and stooped,” he said. But he did not worry about this. And, despite all the ridicule and jokes, he chose the most amazing tactic - to make the audience laugh and make fun of himself. Add subtle self-irony, an abyss of charm, talent and an amazing sense of humor to this cocktail, and it becomes clear why crowds of fans were ready to carry it in their arms.

Gosha Kutsenko

Eagle profile and bald head are the main advantages of the Russian actor. And his business card. His star film was "Antikiller", then there were a dozen more action films. This is how the role of the categorical brutal, adored by women, was born. His masculinity was attracted by the beautiful model Irina Skrinichenko, who agreed to marry him and gave him two children.

Hugh Laurie

The real fame fell on Hugh Laurie while playing the role of Dr. House, rude, arrogant, addicted, sitting on painkillers. After a thousand films about polite and tactful doctors, Laurie became the embodiment of the living and the present, with human flaws: bad mood, lack of courtesy and manners, and most importantly - ugly, thin, lame. At first, women were fascinated by him as a doctor, and then they saw the actor Hugh himself. With such an appearance, to appear in front of the world as an evil sociopath is too much. However, minus by minus - it turned out to be a plus. But few will remember his previous roles in comedies, dramas and other films.


Hugh Laurie is one of the busiest actors in Hollywood today. And also this "ugly man" loves motorcycles, sports and jazz, which he himself performs splendidly.

Vincent Cassel

The French actor is so attractive that he wins the hearts of the most sultry beauties. This man with a non-classical appearance, rude features, a large nose and sunken, painful eyes, married Monica Bellucci herself. And later he dared to divorce her, choosing the hot Brazilian Tina Kunaki as his new companions. He is also called a man with a face without makeup that resembles a devil.

Gerard Depardieu

French and world cinema is replete with handsome actors with the right appearance. And at this moment Depardieu appears on the screens, a new type of heartthrob hero, awkward, large, strong, with a small tummy, with a weighty chin and an eggplant-shaped nose, and also ardent expressive eyes. He's typically ugly! But he is courageous and charming. And he is always surrounded by gorgeous beautiful women. This is a French charm.
