Severe workload at work can gradually lead to the fact that there is no time left for active rest. To organize their leisure time, people who are tired at work choose to watch TV. Gradually, such a passive and meaningless rest develops into an addiction.

Step 1
Browse the entire list of TV channels you have. If you are using satellite or cable TV, turn off any channels you do not watch. Leave the most basic. List your favorite shows and shows. Think about something you can give up.
Step 2
Limit your time in front of the TV. Reduce your browsing session by at least half an hour every week. Turn off the TV sound during commercials and prevent yourself from constantly changing channels in search of other programs, because you already have a list of your favorite programs.
Step 3
Watch TV with pleasure, don't just try to occupy your time by watching programs. Find another activity to your liking. Perhaps you will be carried away by handicrafts or sports. If you want to watch a movie, find out if there is a printed analogue. This will enable you to switch to reading. News and weather can be read in newspapers, and music can be heard on the radio. Find more alternatives.
Step 4
Try to find a hobby that inspires all family members. It will be better if you get rid of the TV all together. Otherwise, you will not notice how you will be drawn back into the endless viewing of serials and reality shows.
Step 5
Make watching TV a reward for your accomplishments. For example, allow yourself to watch a movie only after dinner has been prepared or the laundry has been ironed. Don't combine household chores with viewing. Gradually, your conscience will begin to torment you for a meaningless pastime.
Step 6
Organize your home environment in such a way that watching TV is not convenient. Remove the equipment from the bedroom so that you are not tempted to watch a movie at night, but rather place it where it will interfere with other family members at least at night.