Reproducing different textures and exploiting color effects and contrasts, it is possible to convey numerous shades of mood. Depicted using oil pastels, any face in different cases can express joy, thoughtfulness, surprise. Our "dramatic" portrait is permeated with sadness.

It is necessary
A sheet of pink paper for pastels, oil pastels
Step 1
Add outlines and basic shadows. Use a dark green pastel to outline the outlines of the head, and then shade those basic shadows. Deepen the shadow on the model's forehead by applying a layer of burnt umber on top of the green paint; use the same paint to mark the auricles and nostrils. Use a blue-gray pastel to shade the area behind the ear.
Step 2
Soften the tone. Draw the shadows on the cheek, around the eye, and on the bridge of the nose with superimposed strokes of burnt sienna and dark green pastels. Soften the tone around the eye and in the crease of the cheek by rubbing the paint with your finger. Increase the shadow around the ear and add some cadmium red at the back of the ear.
Step 3
Tackle dark tones. Mark the shadows around the sitter's nose and mouth with dark green pastels. Layer dark green paint and burnt sienna into the shaded area under the chin. Paint the pillow with a dark green pastel, and then add strokes of blue-gray with the side of the pastel stick.
Step 4
Draw the facial features. Paint the mouth with burnt sienna and rub in the paint lightly. Refine a fragment of a man's ear with a small amount of red cadmium. Add a darker tone around the eye by mixing burnt sienna and blue-gray pastels. Deepen the tone under the chin and on the cheek with burnt umber and sepia, mixing these colors with your fingers.
Step 5
Add guidelines for the mouth. Using sepia, define the nostrils more clearly and define the line of the mouth. Deepen and rub in the shadow at the corner of your mouth. Apply a nude pink pastel to the upper lip.
Step 6
Continue working on the face. Using the same technique, work with a dark background and a fold on the shirt, having previously painted over these areas with sepia. To add volume to the lower part of the face, use the burnt sienna blend, giving the sitter's nose a soft, warm tone. To bring the face to life, accentuate the highlights in the eyes: remove some pastel paint from the outer edge of the eye.
Step 7
Work out the details. Use yellow pastels to highlight the highlights on the forehead and around the eyes, then use nude pink pastels to lighten the cheek, ear and under the lower lip. Highlight the inner part of the auricle and nostril with a small amount of red cadmium, and then use a palette knife to correct these details. Accentuate the ear and chin with a few strokes, and then soften the tone by rubbing the paint. In the same technique, depict the hair, then drawing in individual strands. To color the pullover, use yellow ocher, adding touches of gray-blue paint on top; for the shirt, take the Prussian blue.
Step 8
Finish painting. Shade the pillow near the sitter's neck with a gray-blue pastel. Add a small amount of black paint to the semi-ver and rub it. Use fine sepia touches to refine the folds of the neck. With the same paint, deepen the shadow on the model's forehead.