The game involves 4 suits, as a rule, these are Bamboo, Dots and Signs, each suit has a denomination from 1 to 9. The set also includes 4 winds, and 3 dragons. Four people play mahjong, and every man for himself.

Step 1
First, the leader of the game, or the East Wind, is determined. To do this, each player rolls the dice, and the highest value dropped out gives its owner this title. Then, if East Wind wins, he retains the lead in the next game. If he does not win, the title goes to his partner on the right, and thus goes counterclockwise and further.
Step 2
The bones are mixed face down on the table. After that, the players take 34 bones for themselves and use them to build their section of the Great Wall. Each section is 17 dice long and 2 dice high, the collected sections slide together and the game begins. To the right of the East Wind sits the South Wind, and to the left of the North Wind, opposite to it is the West Wind. The leader rolls a couple of dice, the amount that falls on them is counted from the East Wind counterclockwise and may eventually fall on him.
Step 3
The player, whose wall will be dismantled, rolls one die, determining the specific location of the parsing. He counts the vertical pairs of bones on his wall clockwise. After pulling out the fallen pair, he places it on the wall in the third layer to the right of the parsing point. Now this place defines the End of the Wall, and the bones lying in the third row are called Free. The process of dismantling the wall begins. East Wind takes the 4 tiles to the left of the parse point first. Behind him, 4 dice are taken by all players in turn, until each of them has 12 dice. Then each takes another one, and the East Wind takes a pair. Each one places the bones in front of him, hiding the front side.
Step 4
The leader begins the game by placing his extra die face up in the center of the table. The moves are made by the players counterclockwise. The essence of the game is a continuous exchange of dice for more suitable ones until one of the players collects a winning combination. The game is considered finished and unplayed if no one was able to collect the combination, and only 14 dice remain in the wall, excluding Free Dice. Several combinations are considered winning in mahjong, which consist of collected 4 or 3 dice of the same suit. The three losers pay the full value of the combination to the loser. And if East Wind wins, the losers pay double the cost of his combination. The points are not counted in the unplayed game.
Step 5
There is a variation of the game that uses dice of additional suits: flowers and seasons. The row for building a wall for each player in this case consists of 18 bones, and not 17, as usual. To calculate points in the game, use special sticks, denoting one, two and three points. The value of each point is determined before the game by mutual agreement between the players.