Backgammon is one of the most entertaining board games in the modern world. But few people know that backgammon was invented in the third millennium BC, as evidenced by the found backgammon in the tomb of King Tutankhamen. The game of backgammon penetrated to Europe together with the crusaders, who were returning home from campaigns. Interestingly, the set of rules for modern backgammon was established only in 1743 in England by Edmond Hoyle.

How to play backgammon
The backgammon set includes a board divided into two halves, 15 checkers for each player and two dice called Zaras. Initially, players line up checkers in one line (head) on opposite halves of the board. Next, the first move is determined. The players take turns throwing one dice at a time. On whose bone there will be a greater number, he goes first. If both players have the same number, then the throws are repeated.

The player who received the first move rolls two dice and moves the checker from the head to the number that fell on the dice. With different numbers on the dice, a player can only move one checker off his head. If during the first move the player has the maximum value of 6 and 6 on both dice, then two checkers are removed from the head at once. The same rule applies to the player who goes second.
Then the players take turns, throwing two dice. The dice must definitely fall to one side of the board and evenly. If a dice fell out of the board, fell to the other side, or got up unevenly, then the player rolls the dice. Checkers move to empty spaces, for one player from left to right, for another - from right to left. A player is obliged to make a move if he has a place where a checker can be placed. If all the places are occupied by the opponent's checkers, then the player skips a move.
When two identical values (double) fall on the dice, the player's move is doubled and at one time he can move four checkers. The essence of the game is to be the first to overtake all the checkers from the head to the opposite side of the board, which is called the house, and then be the first to throw them out of the house outside the board.

How to throw checkers
When throwing checkers, players also roll two dice. If the number on the dice coincides with the number on which the checker stands, then it can be thrown. But the player can also make a move in the house, if the value on the dice allows you to move the checker closer to the edge of the board. If the checkers are closer to the edge, and the player has a higher value, then the checker is thrown, the number of which is closest to the value on the dice. The first player to throw all the checkers off the board wins.