The joking line "there is no one to work in the factories, only guitarists in the country", in fact, is very far from reality - there are not so many musicians and songwriters. It is difficult to say why this is so - after all, the opportunities for aspiring authors today are much more than ever.

Step 1
Start by reworking famous songs. This is the simplest and most convenient genre of versification for beginners: you will already have a ready-made melody, the construction of phrases and the mood of the song. It is very convenient to remake the compositions for certain events - the performance of the KVN team, congratulations to the work collective on March 8, or a humorous song in honor of the hero of the day. After changing one or two texts, you will feel much more confident.
Step 2
Start with rap or recitative. This genre is very precisely defined as "the desire to sing prevails over the ability to sing", and partly deserved: writing songs will not require you to complex harmonies and melodies - it will only help you to practice your rhyming ability. In addition, since melody is not so important, instrumentals in this style are quite versatile, and on the music forums you can find hundreds of designs for your own compositions.
Step 3
Master a musical instrument. Of course, writing complex melodies will require at least some accompaniment from you. The classic and versatile option is the guitar, which can be mastered in just two months. If you want to stay in the recitative genre or learn how to write full-fledged compositions at once, then use PC programs such as Fruity Loops - they will help you write melodies of any level of quality and complexity.
Step 4
Listen to a lot of music of different genres. Everything has already been invented before us, so there is nothing wrong with carefully studying the area in which you work. If you want to become an author of popular songs, then you a priori need to know the work of all mass performers, both in Russia and abroad. In addition, it will be very useful to explore other genres - you may find something to be inspired by.
Step 5
Don't try to write exclusively masterpieces. Having looked at the work of various performers, you can notice that not every song of theirs claims to be a "hit". Therefore, you too - do not try to put everything that is in your soul into each song. As Viktor Pelevin quite accurately noted: “The most valuable thing should be sold as late and as expensive as possible, because then there will be nothing to trade”.