A good book is not only about an exciting plot, captivating descriptions, lively dialogues and dizzying adventures. They are also characters that make the reader experience events with them.

The heroes of the book should have “speaking” names. Especially with characters in fantasy stories. Reading books by other authors, people are surprised: how do writers manage to give characters such accurate, capacious names. The successful name of the hero is perceived as the name of a close, well and long-time acquaintance, to whose fate it is impossible to remain indifferent. As if this character really exists, and is not invented by the author, and is about to meet somewhere on the street. This feeling should be aroused in readers by well-chosen names of heroes. Adopting a name inspires trust in the character, and therefore in the entire narrative. Makes you empathize and read voraciously. How to come up with good names for the characters of a book in the fantasy genre?
Look for a hero
First you need to think over the hero himself. If you choose a name for a child, you are not doing it at random. You know his family, his history, his future lifestyle, you can draw character traits and come up with his main occupation. The heroes of the book are writers' children. And the personality of each, along with his story, must be thought out to the smallest detail. It is best to use a notebook for this or open a file on your computer - "start a case" for each of the characters, both major and minor. No wonder the Oscar is given for a supporting role. Sometimes a minor character is able to play an important role in the story and become a favorite of millions.
Come up with a legend
So the legend. The hero must have: appearance, age, zodiac sign, worldview, character, psychological characteristics, distinctive features, experience, manner of communication, social connections, memory, past, habits, attachments, antipathies. And it is desirable that all this be original. Don't be afraid of unexpected decisions and crazy ideas that come to your mind. On the contrary, write them down immediately and use them. There must be a story associated with each name.
What can help in finding a suitable name?
Reading history books. Often the names of representatives of some ancient genus are very suitable for the fantasy genre.
Search for materials about different parts of the world, authentic names and geographical names.
Occult sciences and any other information about "parallel worlds".
The study of flora and fauna - you may not even know many outlandish creatures that live on the ocean floor or in the impenetrable jungle, but their names, habits and features may suit your hero in an amazing way.
And an absolutely safe option is anagram. This is a literary device for rearranging letters in a word. Original, interesting, exciting.