Irena Ponaroshku has been married to the famous DJ Alexander Glukhov since 2010. Spouses do not often spend time together, but this does not prevent them from raising two children, supporting each other in creativity and career.

Irena Ponaroshku does not like to talk about her personal life. Information about her new novels periodically appeared on the network, but she prefers to refute them. There was a period when the girl said that she did not want to burden herself with her husband or children. She explained this by her unreadiness for family relationships, fear of childbirth. These conversations ended when Irena met musician and producer Alexander Glukhov (DJ List). The couple celebrated their wedding in 2010.

Irena Ponaroshku's husband
Alexander Glukhov is considered no less shocking person than his wife. He is a Hare Krishna by religion. This is reflected in his musical work. The acquaintance of Irena and Alexander was accidental. The presenter was driving a car when she saw a young man walking in a heavy rain. She offered to let him down. On the evening of the same day, they met by chance at a party. These coincidences were perceived as fateful by both.
Alexander has been a vegetarian since 1997. He believes that the soul is immortal, therefore earthly life is a game to which he either pays attention or does not. Interestingly, Irena does not eat meat either, but they do not forbid it to their children. Seraphim also began to refuse such food, Alexander notes that this is only the choice of his son.
The musician says about his wife that she was sent by heaven to work off her karma. Anything bad that happens between spouses is bearable. Alexander believes: if everything in the family is perfect, then you cannot talk about real relationships.

Alexander Glukhov was born on October 30, 1975 in Moscow in the family of a film director and teacher. From an early age, he was actively involved in music. Thanks to the connections of his father, the boy had the opportunity to listen to the best Western music, which influenced his adult creativity. In the early 90s of the last century, Sasha gets into a club get-together, where he becomes a regular at the Lucky Star club.
The musician paid special attention to observing the work of a local DJ. This profession attracted Glukhov very much. Gradually, he himself began to perform these functions, playing back mixes of various popular songs recorded at home.
In 1991, Alexander took the pseudonym DJ List, began to release selected of his works on discs. Creativity was noted by the leadership of "M-Radio", which invited the young man to join the friendly team. In 2003, the DJ received a prestigious award, after which he was noticed by couturiers from the fashion houses of France, Italy, Germany and Spain.

Family life
Every winter Irena Ponaroshku goes to Asia. Alexander has a busy touring schedule, so there is no way to be around all the time. The TV presenter notes that she sees her husband four days a week. This is the only possible format for a young woman.
On Instagram, she notes that she needs a lot of personal space and time to feel happy. In its coordinate system, it should be possible to give, share and exchange. To do this, periodically it is worth "unhooking the embrace." The girl notes that she does not miss her husband, but she counts the days before the meeting.
In an interview, Irena said: when she was going to marry Sasha, her parents were outraged. A son-in-law without a higher education, a believer, could not fit into their picture of the world. There was a serious conversation with dad. The girl had to say that if not a DJ, then one of his African students will become a husband in the future. Ponaroshku does not regret his choice, because he feels behind him as if behind a stone wall.

Having learned about the first pregnancy, the famous TV presenter continued to lead an active lifestyle. I did not stop doing yoga, made long flights. She spent the last two months of her pregnancy in Thailand. Seraphim was born at home, and was named that name after a visit to the Conception Monastery. There she asked Seraphim of Sarov for an easy delivery. The son goes to a private school, enjoys comics, and studies English. Three nannies are helping to educate.
The second child appeared in 2018. Irena turned to fans with a request to help name her son. In her appeal, the star announced that she wants to avoid associations with other people, so she insists on an unusual name. The final decision surprised even the most dedicated fans.