The word "selfie" itself is of English origin, literally it can be translated as "myself" or "self." This term refers to a special kind of self-portrait, when a person takes pictures of himself with a camera, smartphone or tablet.
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The history of such photographs goes back to the beginning of the twentieth century, when portable cameras first appeared. Back then, many photographers took selfies using a conventional mirror. However, these photographs gained the most popularity after 2000, when a variety of mobile devices equipped with a camera became widespread.
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The term “selfie” itself was first used in 2002 in Australia. Gradually, this word conquered the vastness of the Internet. In 2012, the popular American magazine Time included the term "Selfie" in the "Top 10 Buzzwords" of the outgoing year. And already in 2013, it was officially included in the Oxford Online Dictionary and received the title of "Word of the Year" in this electronic edition. Russian-speaking Internet users often replace the word “selfie” with “self-shot”.
Step 3
There are two types of selfies: direct (photograph on a phone or tablet with an outstretched hand) and mirror (a person takes a picture on a mobile device using a mirror).