Calligraphy For Beginners: Key Points To Know About

Calligraphy For Beginners: Key Points To Know About
Calligraphy For Beginners: Key Points To Know About

Writing is a complex kind of arbitrary action. It engages the arms, back, neck, shoulders. If you are doing artistic writing, you need to properly hold the pen and move the instrument, support your wrist. Calligraphy is a kind of meditation with which you can develop motor skills and cognitive abilities. In addition, a simple passion for writing can bring a good profit.

Calligraphy for beginners
Calligraphy for beginners

Absolutely anyone can learn calligraphy. Even someone with disgusting handwriting has a chance to hone their writing skills. At the present stage, this lesson is very popular. People need postcards with beautiful signatures, wedding invitations, unique design elements with amazing lettering.

Modern calligraphy is especially popular, because she ignores all traditions and rules. Thanks to this, emphasizing your individuality.

Why You Need It

What steps should a beginner calligrapher take? First of all, you need to understand why you want to do this. Calligraphy can help relieve stress and develop cognitive skills. Over time, a simple hobby can develop into a full-fledged job with a good income. Many people dream of combining a hobby with professional activity. Calligraphy will allow you to do this.

With the help of calligraphy, you can make the brain feel the correctness of lines, symmetry. Over time, you will be able to acquire a sense of rhythm and develop mindfulness. Imagination, fantasy will appear.

Calligraphy on book covers
Calligraphy on book covers

According to research by Chinese scientists, calligraphy helps relieve stress in people of different ages.

A few more benefits.

  1. Writing is an interesting and amazing hobby that will suit absolutely any person, regardless of age. You can study and come up with fonts both at 2 and 92 years old.
  2. Calligraphy is an excellent trainer that helps you discover talents and use your inner reserves. Even if you don't want to monetize a hobby, it will help you succeed in other professional activities.
  3. Thanks to this hobby, it will be possible to look at old things in a new way, reconsider values and change the worldview.
  4. Writing is a wonderful activity, thanks to which it will be possible to get rid of the negativity and other garbage that has accumulated in our head.

Calligraphy can be useful in any area of life. Painting walls and clothes, creating fonts, unique postcards, invitations and tattoos, building a brand and developing a group in a social network are just a few of the areas in which you can use the skill to write beautifully.

Interesting fact. Steve Jobs once spoke to students. In his speech, he called calligraphy the most important skill.

Theory and tools

It is necessary to master the theory. It is necessary to clearly understand how calligraphy differs from typography and lettering. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the different types of writing. And there are a lot of them. To create something of your own, something unique, you need to be well versed in calligraphy.

Calligraphy in wall painting
Calligraphy in wall painting

It won't work if you don't have the required tools. A beginner calligrapher will need to purchase a pen, paper, ink, holder, pencil, ruler, eraser. You will also need water with a non-fibrous cloth to wipe down the pen. This is a minimal set, but enough to get you started.

Some subtleties.

  1. The feather should be pointed.
  2. A regular holder, straight, will do. It is allowed to take simple and affordable mascara.
  3. It is not recommended to use ordinary notebook sheets. Ideal for calligraphy sketch paper.
  4. A beginner does not need to immediately purchase professional kits. To start mastering calligraphy, it is enough to purchase simple and affordable tools.

Practice required

After purchasing all the necessary tools, you should proceed to the practical part. And first of all, you need to learn how to sit correctly.

Calligraphy in the form of a tattoo
Calligraphy in the form of a tattoo

Do not lean on the back of the chair. During calligraphy, the muscles of the body should be involved. Otherwise, the hardness may not be enough to create a beautiful lettering. It must be understood that this hobby makes serious demands on accuracy. If you take a relaxed position, then a mistake is bound to be made.

  1. Keep your back straight.
  2. Straighten your shoulders. It is recommended to keep the neck straight in order to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain and not to feel sluggish.
  3. The elbows should be level with the table. Therefore, it is necessary to approach competently to the choice of a workplace.
  4. The weight needs to be evenly distributed, so you don't have to cross your legs.

Learn to hold the pen correctly and master the basic skills. To do this, just watch a few video tutorials. It is also recommended to download or buy calligraphy recipes.


When learning to write, it is important to look at the work of already established authors, to repeat after them. To create a unique font, you must first learn how to copy existing ones. Today, there are many channels created by renowned and professional calligraphers.
