To portray this or that fairytale character, it is not necessary to achieve perfect resemblance. Each character has distinctive features, thanks to which he becomes easily recognizable in the picture. We recognize Malvina by her blue curls and a porcelain doll face.

It is necessary
- -pencil;
- -eraser;
- -paper;
- - colored pencils or paints.
Step 1
Malvina is a porcelain doll from the fairy tale about Buratino. Therefore, first draw a standard blank for the girl's body. At this stage, draw with light strokes so that later it will be easier to adjust the drawing.
Step 2
Draw a vertical line for the desired length. Divide this axis into six or seven equal line segments. The top one is the future head. Division into such a number of segments is due to the laws of proportion. The height of an adult is 7.5-8 head lengths, a teenager is 6-7 lengths, a child is 4-6 lengths. Find the center of the main vertical line. From this point, you will need to start drawing the legs from the hip.
Step 3
As for the width of the figure, there are also proportions here. So, the width of the shoulders and hips is 2, 5-3 the length of the head, the waist is a little less than 2. In women, the hips are wider than the shoulders, but the child's body does not yet have such visible differences.
Step 4
When you outline the outlines of the body, begin to draw in detail the head, face, neck, arms, body. If you plan to dress your doll in a floor-length dress, then you do not need to portray the legs.
Step 5
Now we need to show that this is Malvina. Remember the description of this heroine in the book. She is named "the girl with curly blue hair." Use the desired paint to depict the curls on the girl's head. You can draw a large bow on the top of your head or on the side of your head. But Malvina is not a simple girl, but a porcelain doll. Therefore, make your face pale, paint a blush on the cheeks, and paint the lips red. The lips should be neat, small, with clear lines. It is known that Malvina was sophisticated and graceful, so draw her a beautiful lace dress of any style. Don't forget to portray the shoes.