Scrapbooking is the art of decorating and making interesting, original postcards, booklets, frames, photo albums, panels, gift wraps, etc. Despite the fact that this is a relatively young type of needlework, it has managed to gain immense popularity in many countries of the world.

Scrapbooking album
You can decorate an existing photo album or purchase a special one designed for decoration. Some art stores offer a variety of variations of these albums. They can vary significantly in their appearance and functional design. For example, they come in screws, spirals, rings, paper clips, or in the form of books.
To create a scrapbooking album, use pastel or watercolor paper available from any art store. It should be borne in mind that it should not contain lignin and acids that bind fibers together, otherwise the created craft will fade and turn yellow over time.
This technique involves the use of any beautiful accessories - buttons, paper clips, sewing accessories, beads, rhinestones, beads, thermoplastic products, artificial flowers, braid, herbaria, lace, organza, felt and any other decorative elements.
In addition, you will need felt-tip pens, colored pencils, pastel or wax crayons, paints, ink, various stencils and stamps, as well as scissors, knives, staplers, hole punches, tape and glue designed to connect various surfaces to each other.
Kids scrapbooking album
First of all, you need to choose an event to which the photo album will be dedicated. It can be a child's birthday, christening or his first year of life. Then you need to sort the photos by choosing the most successful and high-quality images. You should not overload the album with images of the same type, select the most emotional and vivid of them that evoke pleasant memories.
Now you need to decide on the style of the album. It is important to take into account that the design matches its theme. So, in the children's album, funny children's drawings and gentle pastel colors will be appropriate.
Next, you should choose the most interesting design elements in accordance with the chosen style of the album and its theme. Come up with captions to accompany the photographs of each page of the album. They can be handwritten, stencil or stamped, or cut from newspapers or magazines.
Then you can move on to the page layout. To do this, place the appropriate pictures and the elements chosen for decoration on each page. Strive for the most successful combination by trying different options, adding or mixing decorative elements. Make sure that the pages are neat, not overloaded with design details. Having decided on the material and theme, you can start sequentially pasting the selected background, photographs, decorations and inscriptions. Let each page dry well by pressing down on the composition with a heavy object. It remains only to arrange the cover in exactly the same way.