How To Make A Game Console

How To Make A Game Console
How To Make A Game Console

Table of contents:


Despite the fact that now a wide variety of game consoles are sold in stores, the interest in making them with your own hands does not wane. And let the home-made console forms a black and white image, and you can only play games with the simplest graphics on it. But you made it yourself.

How to make a game console
How to make a game console

It is necessary

  • - soldering iron, solder and neutral flux;
  • - computer and programmer compatible with Atmega8, Atmega88 or Atmega16;
  • - stabilized power supply unit for 5 V, 200 mA;
  • - laser printer.
  • Materials for making a printed circuit board:
  • - computer keyboard;
  • - television


Step 1

Take a look at the set-top box diagram provided at the link located at the end of the article. Use it to make a list of the components required to assemble the set-top box.

Step 2

Check the list for those parts that you do not already have. Get them.

Step 3

If you are accustomed to assembling electronic devices on printed circuit boards, make such a board in a convenient way for you, or order it from a specialized company. If you prefer surface-mounted installation, skip this step.

Step 4

Assemble the circuit by installing all components in it except the microcontroller

Step 5

Download the archive with documentation and firmware from the following link

Step 6

Find in the archive the HEX file corresponding to the microcontroller that you have (Atmega8, Atmega88 or Atmega16). Insert the controller into the programming device and program it.

Step 7

Remove the microcontroller from the programmer and install it into the device you have assembled. Connect your keyboard and TV to it. Turn on the TV, then apply power to the set-top box. On the TV, select the video input to which you connected the game console you have assembled. If everything is done correctly, an image will appear on the screen. Make sure that the set-top box does not hang while pressing the keys - it should respond to their pressing.

Step 8

Go to the Beispiele section of the website. Find two examples of gaming programs there: tennis and racing. Type the program you like from the keyboard, save and run. Now you can play.

Step 9

To be able to save more than one program at a time, connect the 24C16 chip to the device, according to the diagram (if you did not do it right away). Perform this modification with the power off.

Step 10

Explore the Bedienung and Basic sections on the website. If necessary, use an online translator from German. With a little practice, you can create your own games for this console.
