What To Do With An Orchid When It Fades

What To Do With An Orchid When It Fades
What To Do With An Orchid When It Fades

How long an orchid will bloom depends on the genetic characteristics of the plant. Re-flowering will also depend on the care of the plant after the previous flowering - it is possible that it will begin in three or six months.

What to do with an orchid when it fades
What to do with an orchid when it fades

Not all growers know what to do with a faded plant. It is necessary to act depending on how the peduncle stem behaves.

If the faded stem simply dries up gradually, it is better not to touch it yet. The orchid will gradually draw out all the nutrients from it - they will be useful for the further development of the plant. Wait until the peduncle turns yellow or dries completely, and then remove it. It is necessary to leave only a stump a couple of centimeters high.

You can cut off the old peduncle if it does not want to dry out. But if the orchid has faded in the spring, there is a great possibility that the old flower stalk will want to throw out more buds. To do this, you need to cut it off correctly.

There are several dormant buds on the peduncle, from which babies or new flowers may still appear. In order to try to achieve re-flowering, the orchid must be pruned about one and a half centimeters above the tallest of these buds. But it should be borne in mind that when pruning a peduncle over undeveloped buds, the development of a new stem will be inhibited. This happens because the orchid spends all its energy not on the development of a new flowering stem, but on maintaining the old one.

The orchid will require care after flowering. It must be watered and sprayed on time, but it is better to slightly reduce the feeding. If necessary, you can transplant the orchid into another pot. If no mistakes are made in the care, it will bloom again in a few months. But sometimes the transplanted plant blooms only after a year.

If the orchid was not transplanted, and a new peduncle did not form, you can try to create a temperature difference and slightly reduce the intensity of watering. These measures in some cases can lead to the fact that the orchid will throw out a new peduncle. The daytime temperature for the orchid is no higher than 24 degrees above zero, the nighttime temperature is about 16 degrees.
