Men born under the constellation Scorpio are particularly suspicious and idealistic. Therefore, in order to win their hearts, everyone has to make a lot of effort, except for the scorpion women. The latter are capable of capturing an impressionable scorpion in a couple of minutes, because their weak points are almost the same.

Conquering a scorpion man must be consistent. And you need to start the conquest not with arousing interest in your own person, which is suitable for representatives of other zodiacal signs, but with collecting the maximum amount of information about the object of sympathy.
Scorpios love their own kind
True scorpions have in their character a constant craving for the beautiful, soulful, romantic. And only a girl who is able to understand the subtle emotional experiences and aspirations of a scorpion will be able to carry him along.
In other words, if your chosen one is a scorpio man, get ready to merge with him and become his continuation, otherwise you will not be able to get along. Therefore, it is believed that the best party for a scorpion is a homely scorpion, ready to share with him both joys and sorrows. A wild lioness is unlikely to want to bow before the imperious scorpion, and without this he will not accept her into his flock.
In the family of a scorpion man, he must be the head, otherwise the family will not last long, and the scorpion will initiate a break.
Scorpions should not be conquered, but carried away
This rule should be remembered by all women who want to connect their lives with a scorpion. These men hate to be a follower, and if he manages to notice that he is being conquered, then the strategy is failed.
Be quiet so the scorpion doesn't suspect your intentions. And since the representatives of this zodiac sign strive to contemplate the beautiful, conquer it with your own beauty. The main thing is that the beauty is as natural as possible. Those. go in for sports, dance, get used to almost imperceptible makeup and you will have a chance to become the wife of a scorpion.
Scorpios are serious enough, and if you manage to sink into the soul of a scorpion, be sure that soon he will lead you to the registry office.
By the way, in order not to lose your lover, do not forget to constantly monitor yourself during your life together. The slightest omission in appearance, in keeping track of the household or the children, and the risk of being left without a spouse increases significantly. Moreover, scorpions, although quite serious in terms of starting a family, part with their family no less easily, leaving their wives alone with their own problems, negligence and excessive demands on their beloved man.