To arrange an entertaining game of "living" shadows, it is enough to sit in a family circle in front of a fireplace or a lamp and, remembering a few simple elements made of fingers, display amazing characters of "home" shadow theater on the wall.

It is necessary
- - Light source
- - white wall
Step 1
Shine the light of a desk lamp at the wall. If the wallpaper in the room is dark, then hang a white sheet on the wall or on any large object. If you stand close to the light source, the shadows will appear large. Stand farther and they will become clearer, albeit not very large.
Step 2
Place your left hand in front of you. Point your index and middle fingers up and spread slightly. Bend your middle finger and little finger to your palm. Move your thumb as far as possible to the right side. So the index and middle fingers will become the shadow of the horns of the animal, if it is horned, and the thumb will become the outline of the ear.
Step 3
Place your right hand behind your left and place the base of her thumb against the edge of your left hand. Bend and fan the pinky, ring, and middle fingers slightly to form the face and beard of a goat, for example. Connect the tips of the index and thumb and lift this ring so that a hole appears on the wall, on the shadow of the head - an eye.
Step 4
To shape the shadow of dogs and similar animals, extend your arms in front of you, palms down. Raise the thumbs of both hands up, bring your hands together. Bring the tips of your middle and ring fingers together and lift your index fingers slightly. The middle fingers will show the animal's face, the index fingers will indicate the eyebrow and forehead, and the large fingers will indicate the ears.
Step 5
Raise your right hand in front of you to reflect the shapes of large birds such as geese, swans, or ducks. Tilt your hand down and turn to the left. Hold your middle and ring fingers together, and lower your pinky finger down. Thus, the bird's beak was obtained. Put the pads of the index and thumb together. Shape the eyes with this element.
Step 6
Place your left hand with the palm away from you and place its wrist to the middle of the right forearm. Spread your fingers, which on the wall will imitate the shadow of the bird's tail and wings. Based on these shapes, you can make shadows of a wide variety of animals. It is enough to move your fingers to make the shadows "come to life".