How To Make A Ukrainian Wreath

How To Make A Ukrainian Wreath
How To Make A Ukrainian Wreath

In ancient times, a wreath of flowers was an indispensable addition to the elegant costume of Ukrainian girls. Today, a bright wreath can serve as a wonderful decoration for a bride and her girlfriends at a wedding in a folklore style, as well as decorate a girl's head when its owner performs at a matinee or concert. You can make a Ukrainian wreath with your own hands, and in various ways.

How to make a Ukrainian wreath
How to make a Ukrainian wreath

DIY Ukrainian wreath: method 1

To make a Ukrainian wreath, you will need:

- several branches of artificial flowers;

- several tapes;

- wire;

- thin transparent or flesh-colored tape;

- scissors.

Use scissors to cut a piece of wire equal to the circumference of the head, adding 4 centimeters to this length for the allowance. Take 3 pieces of wire, fold them together and use thin tape to hold them together. Make a ring out of the wire, the circumference of which is equal to the circumference of the head, and tape the ends.

Cut an artificial flower with a longer stem from a branch. Then attach it with tape to the wire, stepping back from the end of the last 5 centimeters. Weave the flowers one by one, alternating their colors. The last of them must be woven at a distance of 5 centimeters from the second end of the wire.

Take the ribbons and tie them, alternating colors, to the area where you did not weave flowers.

DIY Ukrainian wreath: method 2

In order to make this Ukrainian wreath, you will need:

- wide elastic band;

- plastic bottle;

- green satin or silk fabric;

- sewing accessories;

- glue gun;

- artificial flowers;

- scissors.

Cut out the base in the form of a rectangle from the plastic bottle and round its upper corners a little. From the green fabric folded in half, you need to cut the same shape, adding from 0.8 to 1 centimeter to the allowance. Sew the folded fabric inward with the right side, leaving a small section unstitched. Turn the workpiece out, then carefully, trying not to tear the fabric, insert the plastic base into it.

Sew the remaining part neatly with a blind seam. Take a wide elastic band and cut off a part of it, correlating the size of this elastic band with the length of the head circumference. Apply glue to the edges. Glue the two ends of the elastic on the front side. Use a glue gun to glue the flowers onto the front side. If you are proficient in the Japanese art of kanzashi, you can decorate the wreath with your own hand-made flowers. The product on the reverse side must also be carefully processed.

According to a long-standing tradition, the Ukrainian wreath should be worn with ribbons, the length of which should be equal to the length of the hair. The back of the product can be decorated with silk multi-colored ribbons. Sew on them, folding them around the elastic. The resulting wreath is very convenient, since it does not put pressure on the head and holds firmly on it even during the dance.
