How To Make A Catapult

How To Make A Catapult
How To Make A Catapult

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The catapult is an ancient throwing weapon that was the basis of the artillery of those times. It allowed stones to be thrown in three ways: by stretching the fibers, twisting tendons, and using a counterweight. It is the last method that we use to make a small catapult, that is, we use the energy of the falling counterweight.


Step 1

To create such a catapult, you need 5 mm square wooden slats, some twine, a few nails or glue. And also a couple of caps from glass bottles for beer or soda.

Step 2

You need to create a stop and twist of the string for the release lever. It is better to abandon the complex method of twisting the string with wedges and turn to another, simpler method: the rope must be pulled directly into the catapult stand.

Step 3

Attach the guides for the release lever, otherwise it will go to the side during the "combat move". With the guides, the lever will move clearly and strictly in a straight line.

Step 4

Strengthen the head. This will prevent your still unstable structure from crumbling into small parts after the first shot. The combat lever should hit a small wooden block located on the head of the catapult. This will save the device and improve the firing angle. Attach a wire hook to the lever. Mount the trigger on the base.

Step 5

Now wind the twine around the head of the catapult. This will also act as additional protection and will soften the impact of the leverage. From the bottle cap, make a container for your "combat" charges. The catapult is ready! She will shoot small stones at a distance of about 2 m. That's all.
