It often happens that the factory watch bracelet, the one made of stamped steel, is large. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the bracelet by removing several links. Our tips will help you do it yourself.

It is necessary
To reduce the bracelet, you will need the following tools: an awl or needle and pliers
Step 1
Let's get to work. It is recommended to lay a sheet of paper on the table so that not a single detail is lost in the process. First of all, keep in mind that shrinking the bracelet by moving the pins of the lock along the holes is not the best way. This will change the circumference of the bracelet by just a couple of centimeters.
Step 2
First you need to unhook the ring of the bracelet. To do this, take a needle or awl, press down on the pin and remove it.
Step 3
Next, find on the back of the bracelet (in the immediate vicinity of the lock) three links that are not similar to the others. They have arrows showing the direction in which the fastener pin should be removed.
Step 4
The first two links remain in place. In the third link, insert the awl into the hole in the direction shown and lightly push off the stud of the fastener. It can be completely removed with pliers. Remove the second pin in the same way. Then separate the entire link.
Step 5
After removing the required number of links, proceed to the assembly of the bracelet. Remember to remove the links on the bracelet evenly so that the bracelet lock does not move relative to it. Assembling the bracelet is relatively straightforward. Insert one link into the groove of the other and secure them with the studs of the fasteners. They are inserted with a needle or awl in the opposite direction.
Step 6
Removing the links on the all-metal bracelet is easier: press in and out the pins of the links you plan to remove. For work, you need a thin needle or watch screwdriver.
Step 7
In both cases, it is recommended to keep the extra links and studs. If the watch is new, do not remove the protective film from the bracelet during use - this will protect it from scratches.