How To Determine If There Is An Evil Eye Or Damage

How To Determine If There Is An Evil Eye Or Damage
How To Determine If There Is An Evil Eye Or Damage

The suspicion that damage has been directed at you or someone close to you should arise under certain circumstances. If there are too many negative events in your life, you feel irritated for no reason, then most likely you have been jinxed or tried to damage you. Do not jump to conclusions, but try to objectively assess the problem that has arisen.

Black magic
Black magic

Signs of spoilage

The main sign that you have been spoiled is a cardinal change in mood, constant irritability, irascibility, aggression towards others. A person can laugh and immediately cry. Simultaneously with the disturbance of the psyche, changes occur in the environment. For example, when betrayal, disappointment, quarrels and scandals become regular guests on your life path.

The black cat is considered a symbol of bad luck. However, the owners of such pets are never afraid of either the evil eye or damage. Animals masterfully drive away all evil spirits from their owner.

Often, damage or the evil eye is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in well-being. Frequent colds, heart disease, eye disease, dizziness, nausea, or a general lethargy can also be signs of a bad influence.

How to identify damage or evil eye

There are several ways to establish the presence of the evil eye or damage. Very often you can hear advice - run the gold jewelry on your cheek and if there is a black stripe, you can be sure that you are damaged. Darkening of the skin may indicate some disease, but not deterioration. You shouldn't trust this method too much.

You can jinx a person without malicious intent, so never allow yourself or your child to be praised. Say to yourself at such moments - “take for yourself what you wish for me”.

Another popular method is to test for spoilage or the evil eye with a raw egg. This option is most effective. Often, damage is induced on a person with the help of these products. Hold a raw egg in your palms, run it over your face and body, and then break it. If the mixture has deteriorated, then damage or the evil eye is on you. By a similar method, you can determine the bad influence on another person. Only the procedure must be carried out while he sleeps.

Pin and church candles against damage and the evil eye

You can determine damage or evil eye using an ordinary pin. Pin it on the inside of your garment and wear it for a few days. If rust appears on the iron, then someone very much wishes you harm.

Be sure to inspect your apartment and try to remember everyone who has been there lately. The fact is that the most common ways to induce damage is tossing some objects. Serious concerns should be caused by old things, earth, salt, dry grass or obscure objects that resemble garbage. If such traces are found, you must immediately get rid of them.

Buy some candles from the church. Light them up, placing them in different corners of the apartment. Light one candle and go around all the rooms with it. At the same time, you can read the prayer "Our Father". Watch out for the flames. If it smokes, worries, or constantly goes out, then there was an ill-wisher in your house. Pay attention to places of "special danger". It is likely that the thrown objects are located there.

It is believed that St. John's wort is a real protector from the evil eye or damage. It is recommended to drink broths both as a prophylaxis and with obvious symptoms of bad exposure.


Most people, if they suspect an evil eye or damage, immediately rush to fortune tellers, clairvoyants or magicians. This should be done only as a last resort. Go to church, repent of your sins, wish happiness to your friends and even ill-wishers. Light up your apartment and buy a pendant cross. Such methods will be more effective than the likelihood of getting an appointment with a charlatan.