What To Do If Jinxed

What To Do If Jinxed
What To Do If Jinxed

The evil eye is a negative program that can take root in a person's biofield and thereby cause him a lot of inconvenience. A smoothed person becomes irritable, begins to get sick often and for no reason, feels tired and weak. A constant desire to sleep, dizziness, depression are also symptoms of the evil eye. You can get rid of it by resorting to the help of a psychic or a healer. If this is not possible, simple techniques that everyone can carry out independently will help.

What to do if jinxed
What to do if jinxed

Water procedures

You can get rid of the negative influence with the help of water. Get under the shower, the water should be at a comfortable temperature for you, now imagine that soft pleasant jets wash away all the bad things from you. When you feel better, complete the procedure.

Another way to wash away all the bad things is to take a bath with sea salt, since salt is able to absorb all the negativity, cleanse the aura and renew strength. Dissolve a pack of salt in warm water and immerse yourself in the bath, try to completely relax and not think about bad things. After 15 minutes, get up and rinse your body with warm water.

Rolling out with an egg

Take a raw chicken egg in your right hand and place it on top of your head. Now slowly start rolling it over the head, then go down to the neck, chest, abdomen and continue to roll the egg until you have worked each part of the body this way. In the process of rolling out, mentally turn to higher forces for help and imagine how your aura is cleared of evil eyes and other negative influences. After completing the manipulations with the egg, take it to the trash and throw it away with the words: "Leave the evil back where it came from."

Removing the evil eye with fire

In order to get rid of the evil eye, you can use a candle. Take a small paraffin candle, light it and, looking at the flame, whisper several times: "The element of fire, cleanse me of negativity, of the evil eye, of everything bad." Keep looking at the candle and imagine how it burns all your negative emotions, frees you from mental heaviness and ailments.

You need to look at the flame for about five minutes. If you cannot sit still, your body begins to itch and itch, then this indicates a strong energetic effect. In this case, you need to take several deep breaths and exhalations, try to relax again and continue the session with the candle until you feel calm in your thoughts and in your body. After that, thank the element of fire for help and put out the candle.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye

The easiest way to protect yourself from the evil eye is to wear a regular pin with the point up. You need to attach it in an inconspicuous place, if the pin darkens or rusts, it must be removed and thrown away.

As a protective amulet from the evil eye, you can wear a small mirror on a string. It is believed that the mirror reflects any negative influences and sends them to the person from whom they come.
