People born under the constellation Scorpio are not malleable. Even agreeing with you, they will certainly make adjustments to the proposed actions. It is not at all easy to subjugate them to yourself. However, there are tricks that can help make your scorpion more agreeable.

Step 1
The best weapon against a proud scorpion is outright flattery. Whatever you say about his superiority over others, he takes everything at face value. Do not be afraid to use the epithets "Best", "Ingenious", etc. People of this sign have no doubts about their own exclusivity. And, thus lulling his vigilance, you will be able to subdue him, direct his thoughts and actions exactly where you need to.
Step 2
You cannot force a scorpion to do anything. You can only ask for it. Tough in appearance, many representatives of this sign have a soft heart. If you manage to pity him, or give reasons that will reach the most intimate corners of his soul, it will be easy to control a scorpion.
Step 3
Scorpios obey only recognized leaders. Become that in his eyes. For this you have to try. Not only career growth is important, but also respect from mutual friends and acquaintances. Prove yourself in an area that is not yet available to the representative of this sign. Let the scorpion know and admire your successes. Then he will become quite compliant and listen to your opinion.
Step 4
Become a mystery to the scorpion. Do not share any information about yourself that could shed light on your past. Drop out of sight for a while. Escaping prey is most interesting for the scorpion. And in exchange for the crumbs of information that you will give out dosed, you can achieve complete submission.
Step 5
Find out the weaknesses of the scorpion's character. Someone greedy, someone cowardly or envious. Play on negative qualities. Get information about special offers and sales to the greedy, promise support to the coward always and everywhere, tell the envious about your own, even fictional, failures. This way you will earn complete confidence and be able to control the scorpion however you want.