Even in ancient times, people said that freckles are a sign of spring. Indeed, people with freckles on their faces seem more open, carefree, and cheerful. But what about those who madly want to have these red spots, but their skin, unfortunately, does not allow it?

It is necessary
foundation powder / self-tanning / henna
Step 1
The easiest way to get freckles is to apply them with a special pencil, and its color should be as close to the tone of your face as possible. This will make the cannabis look more natural. The natural look of the painted spots can be given by applying a small layer of tonal powder to them. The downside of this method is that such freckles wash off very easily and quickly, and you will have to paint them again every morning.
Step 2
Instead of using a pencil, you can also draw freckles by hand using a self-tanning cream. On the face, such spring rashes will last a little longer, however, every day their brightness will subside.
Step 3
Another way is to create freckles using natural dye.
To do this, you need to buy a bag of henna at the nearest pharmacy (if you buy it in an oriental goods store, do not forget to clarify to the seller that you need finely ground henna, since only such a mixture does not form lumps). Then mix the contents of the purchased bag with warm or slightly hot water until smooth. After that, cover the henna with polyethylene and put it in a warm place for at least 12 hours (this is necessary for the mixture to infuse and acquire a rich shade).
Step 4
When the mixture is ready, dab it onto the areas of your face where you would like to have freckles. Let it sit for a while and wash off with warm water. Remember, the longer you keep the mixture on your face, the darker your freckles will be.
Step 5
To change the color of henna and, accordingly, freckles to a lighter or darker shade, add ground coffee, tea or lemon juice to the mixture. The content of sugar, essential oil or lemon juice in henna allows freckles to stay on the skin for a maximum amount of time.
Step 6
The most radical and most durable way is to paint hilarious red specks in a tattoo parlor. The essence of this procedure is as follows: a certain color of paint is selected for the color of the skin (as a rule, it is a golden hue), which is subsequently applied with thin needles under the skin. Yes, this procedure is not very pleasant, and it costs a lot of money, but the final result, rest assured, will exceed all your expectations. Freckles made in salon look very natural and beautiful. They usually last from a year to several years, after which they painlessly fade in the sun.